10 years ago today I married my best friend.
We were SO young!
I didn't realize it at the time but 20 and 21 is pretty young to be getting married these days. But the thing is that I wasn't scared or even nervous about getting married. Now for the actual ceremony I was a nervous wreck, but about marrying Jason...not one bit. I knew that God had brought us together to be partners in life and I knew that He would lead and guide us to keep our marriage strong. And He has. We made a commitment that day to always keep God in the center of our relationship and at the top of our priority list, and I believe that is the key to a successful, long marriage.
I had to take a picture of a picture, but here we are on our wedding day.

Such young wipper-snappers. :-)
"Pre-beard" as I call this phase of Jason's life,
since it only lasted 2 1/2 years after this.
In my opinion, here are the 10 most memorable things that have happened since our wedding day (in chronological order).
1. Our honeymoon to Brazil. Our first trip together and Jason almost drowned in the ocean! Not an exaggeration - complete with a trip to the hospital. It made us treasure each moment even more after that!
2. 2002: Our first year of marriage in Bryan, Tx in the "Love Shack" with our first dog together, Trigger. We had so much fun and life was so care-free and easy that year!
3. 2003: Moving to Fort Worth, buying and fixing up our first home. How we ever qualified to buy a home at that age, I'll never know! :-)
4. 2004: Elijah Mabry was born and changed our lives forever, making us parents. His first 8 days spent in the NICU following a stroke aged us, changed us, increased our faith and made us stronger together.
5. 2003- 2007: Our time spent doing inner-city ministry together at Fortress changed our hearts and opened our eyes to possible long-term mission work.
6. 2007: Our 2 1/2 week survey trip to Thailand was amazing! Even though God closed the doors on that particular opportunity, it solidified in our hearts that He was preparing us for missions.
7. 2008: Judah James was born bringing such joy to our lives again, making Elijah a big brother! His birth story was so fun and exciting - one for the books!
8. 2009: Jason graduated from college! After going back to school full time when Elijah was 2, he walked the stage to receive his undergrad degree after working so hard for 3 long years! These were difficult years for us while he was working full time and going to school full time, but we made it!
9. 2009: Made the decision to adopt. We knew that God was telling us to act, to do something specific according to His word.
10. 2012: I'm going to go out on a limb here and state that our two trips to Ethiopia and bringing our daughter home this year will be some of the most memorable moments of our lives too!
I could name so many more things...placing membership at The Hills and all the wonderful friends and opportunities that have come from that, family trips with your parents, our trip to New York City when Elijah was 5 months old, birthdays, Elijah starting kindergarten, and on and on! We have had our ups and downs as does every marriage, and our lives have taken more twists and turns than those two young people would have ever thought possible on that blissful day 10 years ago. I wouldn't change a thing and I wouldn't want to go through life with anyone else at my side. I love you Jason - I knew we would make it 10 years, there was never a doubt in my mind! Here's to the next 10 and 10 after that and 10 after that....