Our small group meets every Thursday night up at our church building because they have free childcare. We are discussing a piece of scripture each week.
Last night we were talking about the fall of man, when Eve was deceived by Satan. It occurred to me while we were talking, that Satan is (of course) cunning, and knows exactly what to say in our minds to tempt us. Adam & Eve had been told not to eat from only ONE tree in the entire garden, and I'm convinced that up until that point they had not been tempted by it. God does not tempt us, Satan does. I believe up until that point, they were completely satisfied with what they had in the garden, and not eating the fruit of that one specific tree was not a temptation, but just their way of life.
Satan knows how to get in our heads and tell us that we won't be satisfied and completely happy until we have that ONE more thing. I was convicted that that is exactly what has happened to me. I am so blessed but I have been living in a state of unsatisfaction because we don't have that ONE thing - our daughter. And while I know that our daughter is not a temptation or a sin, I have still had a hard time finding joy in what I do have because I want that which I don't yet have. I vowed right then and there to find the simple joy in my life every single day, and to enjoy what I have right now, because soon all of that is going to change. And there is much joy all around me.
Like sweet Judah starting once a week swim lessons. He is in heaven - he loves it!

Just look at the pure JOY on his face! Confidence is not going to be an issue with him when it comes to swimming.
And there is JOY in my sweet Elijah, who just lost his 6th tooth. I am so thankful that he is growing healthy and strong.

While this adoption process is hard, hard, hard, I can still choose to find the JOY amidst the heartache.
"The JOY of the Lord is your strength." Nehemiah 8:10
“Joy is the serious business of Heaven.” ~ C. S. Lewis