like most of you, i love fall. i love everything about it.
this month has been quite a whirlwind and has gotten away from me.
i have neglected to take pictures of anything.
i feel restless and undone.
quite honestly, i feel completely off my rocker.
if you don't know much about adoption, let me fill you in on one tiny detail:
it will make you go crazy or close to it.
the only thing keeping me grounded right now is my faith.
we are sad.
we are frustrated.
we are confused.
we are hurting.
we did not sign up for this.
let me make it clear to you that we still 100% feel called to adopt.
what we did not sign up for was the 2 1/2 year wait.
we didn't sign up for our children being this far apart in age.
we are aching for another child.
remember that we started the paperwork almost 3 years ago.
i want to scream.
it is completely out of our control.
i have to trust you God, that you have a plan.
a plan for our family that is far better than mine.
a plan for our daughter.
thanks for letting me get that out of my head.
in the meantime, i've been reading.
a lot.
you MUST read the book 7 by jen hatmaker.
or any of her books for that matter.
she is phenomenally talented.
and a wonderful speaker (i heard her).
and a very sweet person (i met her).
and in the adoption club (from ethiopia).
this book completely ruined me (in a good way).
get you a copy (but not my signed one :-).
website HERE
also, we think it's cool that jason's grandfather wrote a book.
so check it out too.
he has his own website and everything.
website HERE
enjoy fall!
the weather, the decor, the food and the fun.
everything about it.