***Real quick before I do the Thailand update...I told some of you that my next doctor appt for the baby was yesterday, but it was moved to Monday because my doctor was sick. So I'll have an update then maybe with some pictures. Also, I am finally seeing the light at the end of tunnel...my morning sickness is getting better and becoming truer morning sickness. I am still taking my nausea medication, but feel like maybe I'm starting down the path to feeling better soon. :-)
***Also, we are hoping to go to a pumpkin patch and the state fair next week (depending on how I feel) so I should have some October-ish pictures soon! I have seriously taken like 3 pictures in the last 2 months because I've been so sick!
On to the Thailand update....
I know that most of you began reading our blog in order to keep up with our "survey trip" to Thailand back in May. We have not forgotten the reason we started this blog, and finally we have an update for you.
That trip was life-changing for us and definitely the best trip of our lives so far! Elijah still talks about Thailand, specifically about elephants, waterfalls, the airplane rides, his friends O and his Singapore "girls" (as he called them) - he had SO MUCH FUN and we are so thankful that he was able to experience that and still remembers it! Thailand touched Jason and I as well....hearing the testimonies of many Thai Christians and what they gave up to become Christians, the wonderful Thai friends we made, the missionary families that took care of us, the food, the sights, the cultural experiences....these are experiences and memories that we will never forget! So for our friends in Thailand...We have not forgotten you, we love you and we thank you for making our trip so special!

We began meeting 2 years ago with a group of about 16 Christians interested in long-term mission work in Thailand. We have grown to love and respect all of these people very much. We knew that 16 was too large of a number for one team, and that likely all 16 of us would not be on one team. We also knew that for 16 people, we would not be able to all fit on the same time schedule to go over there. We want to inform all of you that the first team is forming and is nearly formed....8 of the original 16 have committed to begin training next September and move to Thailand in mid-2009. The other 8, for various reasons, whether it be family concerns, timeline or future plans will not be able to commit to that timeline.
Our family will not be able to commit to that timeline. Our priority right now is for Jason to finish school, and he will not be finished in time for us to join this team. We feel a little sad but peaceful about our decision, and are so excited for these 8 that will be spreading God's word in Thailand! They are so excited and would covet your prayers as early team development begins. This does not mean that a second team might not form in the future, and we are still open to that, if we feel that is where God wants us at the time. Thank you for your prayers for us as we have been asking God about Thailand since we returned from our trip in May. We would ask for your continued prayers as we learn where God wants us to be when Jason is finished with school. We know we want to be involved in some sort of ministry, whether domestic or international, and just pray that God will use our family to serve Him. God is in control, His timing is perfect and we will just wait upon Him.
The few pictures you see above, are special memories from our Thailand trip. I just picked a few...there were too many great experiences to choose from!
Have a great weekend!