Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Baby Update, Weekend & The Fair

I know, the picture of me is a little sad, but c'mon, I've been sick for over 2 months!!! This is the first time I've allowed a pregnant picture of me to be taken yet. I am 13 weeks in this picture and already showing a lot quicker than I did with Elijah. My Dr appt went just fine on Monday -we heard the heartbeat for the first time and Elijah thought that was really neat! I've decided to take him to all appointments that aren't going to be invasive so that this can start to become more real for him. Today is the first day in over 8 weeks that I have not had a nausea pill yet, so please everyone hold your breath with me!!! Just kidding, I'm trying not to get my hopes up but it's very encouraging. We are very thankful that God has given us this new precious life to take care of, and I am ready to start enjoying my pregnancy and last time alone with Elijah!

Last weekend, we went to Gainesville for Jason to preach and to hear Lauren's boyfriend, Matt's, Christian band play at the church. They were really good, and unfortunately all my pictures of it were too dark, but please click on "Matt" under my blogger friends and check out their up & coming band. Lauren even got to sing some back-up vocals and Elijah danced and played his air guitar all night long - it was hilarious! Jason has really taught him to appreciate good music and it showed that night - I think that was his first concert and he loved it! We also went to Depot Days while there (like a small carnival) and there are pictures from that below. It was also the first time that the whole family has been together in a while, since Matt & Nova have both joined the picture, so there is a Cox family photo below too.

On Wednesday, I ventured out to the State Fair with my mom, sister and nephew Jonathan. He and Elijah are big buddies and had a great time together! It was $1 day if you brought 3 cans of food per person, so we only stayed a few hours, and that was about all I could take, even with several "breaks" of sitting or laying down on tables! I don't think I've walked that much combined in the past 2 months as I did at the fair. The funniest part of the day was watching those two ride a few kiddie rides. A couple of them went really fast and I thought Elijah would get scared but he just screamed and laughed the whole time - I haven't laughed that hard in a long time, and I got a few "action" shots during the rides. I need to go lay down again. I'm impressed with myself for getting a new post up with pictures. We have a weekend full of birthday parties and a wedding, so I'll have new pictures soon, and we're going to attempt the pumpkin patch next week. Have a great weekend!


Alisha said...

I can't believe how grown up Elijah looks in these photos. And you look adorable with your baby bump. I'm glad you're starting to feel better these days.

Lauren said...

those pictures of elijah and jonothan are hilarious... silly boys.

Lori said...

Elijah's face is hilarious on those rides! Annalee misses him...we have to get together next week! Glad you're feeling a little better, I hope it stays that way. Love the pregnancy picture!

Anonymous said...

Those are some great pictures! Thanks for the call yesterday - I'm sorry I missed you!

Leilanni said...

I've always heard people show earlier the second time around and now I believe it . . .you look adorable!!! How exciting!

Cute fair pics - that farm place was fun, huh? Ellie was a little young I think but she still enjoyed it. I miss you in class!!!!