Honestly, not a whole lot of exciting news to share. I was really sick this past week with strep throat, and am thankfully now feeling better. Those 2 days taking care of 2 kids with 102 fever were NOT FUN! I think I now know how it feels to be a real mother! :-) Elijah did start swim lessons this past week - he goes every day for 2 weeks, and he's doing great! I'm going to blog about that when he is finished at the end of this week. And Jason's birthday was yesterday, but I'm waiting on a few pictures before I blog about that, so here are some random pictures since I last wrote, and that's all I have for now....
Elijah has been helping with the laundry.

He finished his t-ball season on Weds night and received a trophy. Now he says he wants to play soccer, so we're looking into that for the fall.

Judah is smiling - this is my best attempt to capture that. He has actually been smiling for several weeks now - it is precious!

He likes to suck on his fingers sometimes.

Poor thing has baby acne really bad all over his face and neck.

My mom & sister painted this scripture for me to hang over his bed.

Here he is this past Friday, exactly 6 weeks old, and his first time in the Bumbo chair.

And my two sweet boys (one who's developed a double chin:-)