I love my mother-in-law...and her camera. I love you more though, Debbie...promise! :-) We worked together yesterday and got some great pictures of our family and my kids. Here are my favorites. Hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving!
Coming soon...Judah's first haircut (if you can even call it a haircut...more like a snip :-)
Rehearsal, Fri night: Jason - preacher, Me - matron of honor, Elijah - ring bearer. Lots of jobs to do!
Isn't it gorgeous? The weather was perfect too!
Elijah and I practicing our entrance.
Me and my hunk.
The happy couple at the rehearsal dinner.
Wedding Day: Getting our hair and makeup done. Except Lauren - did I mention that she doesn't wear makeup EVER, not even on her wedding day, and her face was just gorgeous! Ugh, no fair. :-)
Then my little bug showed up with my mom.
The cupcake cake.
Kissing the bride. I think Jason was about to punch Matt in the face. :-) Just kidding.
Mr. and Mrs. Porter
Running to the car
Some of our family:
Nova took this. It's adorable and looks professional. I think I'll be getting a big one of this. Thanks Nova!
I love him!
Debbie bought the CD from the photographer so when she gets it, I'll have more to put up. She got some PRECIOUS ones of my boys together that I can't wait to get my hands on!
Lauren is married!!! We had a great wedding weekend...the fun started on Thursday night with her lingerie shower/ bachelorette party. I can't wait for the wedding pictures to put up - they are fabulous! When I get them, I will post them asap. Here are a couple of pictures from Thursday night:
------------------------------------------------- But here is what this post is about. On Wednesday afternoon, Elijah set up a lemonade stand, with cookies and brownies too. We had our huge harvest weekend at church yesterday and we had been talking to him about how he could raise some money for mission work and orphans around the world. He suggested a lemonade stand.
He made his own sign
And stuck with it for over 2 hours!!! He waved and smiled to people passing by, which of course prompted them to stop, and he was such a trouper. Never complained and was genuinely excited about it.
Anyone want to guess how much he made in about 2 hours??? 50 BUCKS!!! I was so proud of him and he was really proud to dump it in the wheelbarrow at church yesterday. I hope he always has a heart for helping others in the name of Jesus.
We left Monday, Oct 26th and returned on Halloween afternoon. We had such a great time - it was our first big trip by ourselves since our honeymoon in January 2002. I had a few moments where I really missed the boys, but all in all it was relaxing and refreshing. They stayed with my mom (who did a wonderful job with them) and we talked with them on Skype every evening on our laptop. We ate wonderful food, read books, slept, watched movies, hung out on the deck, watched some shows, went to some fun ports and just generally chilled out. I honestly did not know what to do with myself at times because there were no little mouths to feed or crying or whining or question asking for a WHOLE WEEK! There are A LOT of pictures so bear with me.
This was at dinner on our formal night. Who are these people? I don't remember the last time we dressed up so nicely. :-)
Our first stop was Progreso, where we had massages on the beach in a tent like this. They were $10 a piece for 45 minutes - can't beat that!
Here is the LONG pier that leads back to our boat:
There's not too many pictures of both of us. You know how it is when it's just the two of you and you constantly have to find people to take your picture.
We did some shopping for the boys and then ate at a cute little Mexican restaurant. I had also just gotten a temporary tattoo of a dolphin- it's supposed to last several weeks and is still there now.
The owner there was really fun and took our picture in these hats-
A couple of pictures of our boat, the Carnival Ecstasy:
The next stop was Cozumel - we went to this neat park called Chankanaab. It had beautiful gardens, beaches and sight-seeing. There were a lot of Mexican statues:
We could see our boat from the park:
And while there I got to fulfill a lifelong dream. Seriously, I have been wanting to do this since I was a child and have always had a fascination with dolphins. We have a few pictures on our water proof camera but this was the one they took for us there. It scanned in funny, so sorry about that. It was magical and I loved every second of it! Meet my dolphin friend, Lizzie... She pulled us around by her fins, pushed us on boogy boards, gave us hugs, did jumps for us, kisses, handshakes, danced and sang with us. It was awesome! Jason had promised me he'd take me to swim with dolphins before our 10th anniversary and he pulled it off by our almost 8th. Way to go honey! :-)
After that we went downtown to Margaritaville and of course had a margarita! :-)
We jumped in the ocean and swam right off of this dock:
The biggest nacho appetizer I have ever seen. Between the two of us, we didn't finish it.
Right before we got back on the boat, we took some goofy pictures:
Every night, we had a towel formation on our bed. I thought they were hilarious - the baby was my favorite:
We played the penny slots on the boat a few times but never won anything. :-(
Some pictures of the inside of the boat:
The grand atrium:
The Lido deck:
Us on the back of the boat:
Our dinner table. We ate with them every night - they were both on their honeymoons. We had a great time getting to know them. I didn't think I'd enjoy sitting with total strangers at dinner but by the end of the cruise they were more like friends. From left: Conrad, Arlene, Jason, me, Diana and Jesus.
So that's it! I didn't include every single picture of course but I think you get the general idea. I have no idea when we'll be able to take another trip by ourselves but we sure did savor every moment and enjoy this one so much!