Tuesday, October 18, 2011

still here

So we are still here, still alive.
This has been (and continues to be) a very difficult month.
After 3 rounds of strep accompanied by multiple other complications,
it was discovered that I have mono.
That has been the least of my concerns though,
as the mono has triggered a horrible case of insomnia.
That is why I haven't blogged in weeks.
After more than 3 weeks of little to no sleep,
I am re-learning to trust that God loves me and has a perfect plan.
Trusting him in the difficulties of life is VERY hard.
And so here we are.

These are the only pictures I've taken in the last few weeks.

Judah loved playing in the puddles after the rain!

We also enjoyed free tickets to the circus!

Also just wanted to point out that the average wait time is at 16 1/2 months.
We are getting VERY close to 16.
Not holding my breath, but just wanted to point it out anyways. :-)

Saturday, October 01, 2011


Here we are at 15 months.
I do believe we'll see 16.
Hopefully not 17.
Only God knows.

This was a rough week.
2nd round of strep in 3 weeks.
Allergic reaction to the meds.
No sleep for 3 nights straight.
I was delirious and sick.
It was NOT. FUN.

I am thankful for a good night's sleep last night.
But frustrated at what all happened.
Today I am thankful to be one month closer to our daughter.
But frustrated that it's taking so long.

So here's to 15 months.
Maybe we'll be pleasantly surprised.

This is a great post reflecting a lot of my feelings on adoption if you have a few minutes: