Monday, June 18, 2012

summertime {week 2}

during week 2, we ate some s'mores (above).

we also did a service project with some of our friends of picking up trash at a local park.
we couldn't get the kids to stop they were having so much fun...really.

we also went to a star wars concert in the botanic gardens.
so. much. fun.
the boys thought they had died and gone to star wars heaven.

the ultimate character to elijah: darth vader.

the fort worth symphony did a fantastic job,
complete with fireworks to the star wars theme music.

we celebrated amanda's 6th birthday at the park.

and on father's day we went to our first ranger's game of the season.

we are headed to camp of the hills for part of this week.
one of the highlights of our summertime for sure.


Tricia said...

I didn't know you lived in DFW also!! :-) We took our kids to the Fort Worth Symphony concert like this last year...they loved it! It was both Star Wars, Indiana Jones and Harry Potter music and more. Hoping you hear good news soon!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a fun summer so far! Great pictures.