Tuesday, November 13, 2012

a letter to my daughter

Dear sweet baby girl,
Sunday, November 11th marked 3 years that we have been waiting for you. On that day 3 years ago we mailed the very first paper to get started on our journey to you. Three years is a long time to wait for a baby, but you are worth it. You are so loved already and we haven't even seen your sweet face yet. Oh what a glorious day that will be when we finally see the little girl that God has had planned for us this whole time!

It is strange to love someone and miss someone when we haven't even met, but you are already part of our family. You have been growing in our hearts for 3 years and there is a hole in our lives where you should be that literally hurts. I am sorry that you are not with us yet. It makes my heart hurt to know that there is nothing we can do to speed this up and have you here in our arms. We are sad that things are taking so long and don't understand the "why's" right now but one day it will all make sense. When we see your beautiful brown eyes, we will know that we were waiting on YOU. If the timing had been any different, it would not have been YOU. And YOU are the only one to make our family complete.

One day I will look into your little face and tell you how much we love you, how much you were worth it and how special you are. God has known you since before you were born. He has made you to glorify Him and fulfill a purpose that only you can do. He has big plans for you. I can't wait to tell you that. I will tell you how your brothers prayed for you every day for years and years. I'll tell you how they talked about you like you were already here. Their love for you is limitless. I will tell you how sorry I am that you have already had so much hurt and loss in your short life but that we will never ever leave you. I'll tell you about your beautiful country and heritage and the sacrifices that your first mother made for you. Your daddy will tell you that he has been waiting for his perfect little princess and that you bring him so much joy.

We love you so much and ache for the day when you are ours forever. You are never far from our thoughts and you are prayed for every day.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Summer - I think about you guys so much and can't wait until you see your sweet girl's face. I had also written notes to my daughter before I knew her face - after our referral, it was so awesome to write her a letter, using her name, knowing the face of the little girl who would one day read it. Hang in there. It's incredible how the pain of waiting leaves the second you see her face.

All the best,