We've been doing the typical summertime thing here in Texas. Spending a lot of time in the water because it's so stinkin' HOT!!! Evie has yet to get all the way in a big pool but so far has enjoyed her water experiences. She doesn't seem afraid of much!
We went to Gainesville one day and got to spend some time with Lauren & Matt, which doesn't happen too often since they live in Austin.
Our church had its annual VBS called Summer Spectacular. It's amazing with a full Broadway-style play. This year was about Joseph and sadly this is the only picture I have. Jason took it because I was sick and missed the whole 3 day event. :-( I was so bummed but the boys enjoyed it!
Judah and I took Evie to the spray park near our house. They both had a blast!
And how cute is she in her little swim suit?!?!
While we were at the spray park, Elijah was spending a few days with my mom and his cousins down at Camp of the Hills - his home away from home and absolute favorite place to be.
He's cleaning his plate "Camp of the Hills style" - you have to lick it of course!
We also went to Amanda's birthday party. Evie was the center of attention and again, loved the water! At one point she fell backwards and Jason had to rescue her, but she didn't seem too upset.
And lastly, our caseworker Lindsay came on Tuesday and conducted our first post-placement visit to send over to Ethiopia. It lets them know how she's doing.
She is doing extremely well and seems very attached to Jason and I. She's not reaching for strangers anymore and cries when I leave the room. Things are not perfect and we have hard days but overall, we could not have asked for a smoother transition.