The boys have just been having too much fun this summer! They spent a weekend with Nana & Grangoat and went to a fun animal safari place. She got some really cute pictures!

I love Elijah's eyes. And Judah is just a NUT! Such a crack-up, oh my word.
Thanks for a fun weekend Nana & G!!! They boys also had two weeks of swim lessons. This is their last day when they could show parents what they've learned. Judah skipped the pre-k class, went straight to Level 1 and then was moved up to Level 2 for next time. He's a little fish and has NO FEAR. His teacher said, "He's not afraid of much is he?" :-)
Elijah continued to improve on learning his swimming strokes, especially his back stroke and working on dives.
Our 4th of July week was very low-key. My mom was in all this week from camp on her week off. The boys spent a few days with her & her Romanian friend, Andi, at my mom's friend's house. They had all kinds of fun! I can't get a few of the pics to rotate but you get the idea.
On the 4th we visited with friends from Lima, Peru and ate at my mom's friend's house. The boys saw fireworks later that night but Evie was too tired to make it. Here is our newest firecracker on her first 4th of July!
On the 4th we visited with friends from Lima, Peru and ate at my mom's friend's house. The boys saw fireworks later that night but Evie was too tired to make it. Here is our newest firecracker on her first 4th of July!
And here are all three of my little blessings on the 4th.
Elijah made sure that Jason and I were included in pictures!
Evie continues to do really well. I am slowly adjusting to having three kids. She swam for the first time in a big pool and loved it. I'll have to get pictures from Nana of her. Judah left today for a few days with my mom at camp - the boys each get a few days with Kaki at camp by themselves. I love the fun, laid back atmosphere that summertime brings!
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