We had a really fun, relaxing weekend these past few days. Elijah spent the whole weekend with Jason's parents and Jason and I were able to go out on a date for my birthday and spend some time on Saturday getting things done without a child around, which was nice. We still missed Elijah, but you parents know what I'm talking about! :-)

However, Saturday was a hard day for Jason because he sold his motorcycle. He's had it for a year and a half and originally bought it to save us money on gas going back and forth to work. For a while, it proved useful, but then when cold and rainy weather hit, it just ended up sitting there. We finally decided, since Jason is riding the train to work now, that it was time to sell it before it lost its value. He was very sad, but knew it was the wisest thing to do. He took Elijah on one last ride around our driveway Friday afternoon. Elijah always wanted to "ride" Daddy's motorcycle and sit on it. He thought it was so cool, and it was! One day when we're retired, we'll get another one and travel the country - ha! They really are fun to ride and I was a little sad to see it go as well - we had had some fun dates on that motorcycle. Another thing Elijah and his daddy love to do is play guitar, so they also enjoyed some guitar playing time on Friday as well. Then Jason's dad came to get Elijah and Jason and I went out to eat and to see Ocean's 13. I don't know if I've ever seen two movies in the theater in one weekend, but on Saturday night, my mom took my sister and I out for our birthdays and we saw Evan Almighty. Wow, what a great movie! Hollywood got something

right with this one - it was PG and very clean, had a great faith message, family message and "not looking like the world" message. I was very impressed and decided I am going to buy this one when it comes out on DVD. It's one that I'll want Elijah to watch when he gets a little older. If you are skeptical, I highly recommend it - go see it, you'll be as surprised as me at how good it is!

On Sunday morning, Jason and I headed to Gainesville for Jason to preach at his parents' church. Once a month he preaches there, and each time I am amazed at how much God has blessed him in that area. He is truly inspired by God and always touches my heart with His message. The great thing is that Jason doesn't even know how good he is, and that humbleness makes him that much better! When we got there, to the right was what we found Elijah doing! Jumping around in a circle wearing a Bible times robe. I just about laughed my head off, but they were having a dress up play in the children's class. That face is his embarrassed face - he gets that face when I take his picture doing something that slightly embarrasses him. :-)

Jason's grandmother, aunt, uncle and cousins were in town as well on their way back from Arkansas so we got to spend the whole day with them as well. We hadn't seen them in probably over a year or more! This is a picture of Elijah playing in Nana & Grangoat's swimming pool. He had been swimming and riding his "own tractor", as he calls it, all weekend long!!
Now this is an old picture, but the only one I can find at the moment, of Elijah with Jason's parents, Nana & Grangoat (don't ask about the name!). :-) He loves spending the weekend with them, not just because he gets to swim, ride his tractor, eat pancakes and gets lots of fun new things, but because he loves being with them!
The next picture is Elijah with his cousin Tricia (whom he called "that little girl") riding on Elijah's own tractor. He was actually really good at sharing it with her and she would drive him around while he sat in the trailer. It was really cute. And the last one is with all 3 of the cousins, Taylor, Travis and Tricia. He had a great time and we did too!