We decided that instead of getting each other gifts this year, we would do something together that we both enjoy. We haven't been able to find something yet. Does anyone have any suggestions of some fun things to do together in the D/FW area besides going to see a movie?
Yesterday I decided to make him a birthday cake. I don't remember ever making him a birthday cake - I have bought some birthday cakes but never made one. This is a yummy strawberry recipe that Lori gave me and helped me with, and yes, the icing is made from scratch - wow! Go me! Jason said last night that he didn't know I had it in me. Thanks a lot! :-) It was really yummy and Elijah was begging me for some ALL DAY LONG, so we were really glad when Jason finally got home at about 7:30ish last night. It had been a long day for Elijah waiting so patiently to eat the cake - he was really excited to finally get a bite!
I remember the first birthday that I knew Jason. It was the summer of 2000 out at Camp of the Hills (the summer we started dating later on). We were just friends then and had been for about 6 months. I remember on my weekly trip to the Marble Falls Walmart with a group of co-counselors, I asked Amy Austin what you might want for your birthday since she had grown up with you and knew you a lot better than me. She suggested this A&M baseball hat that we found, so I bought it (for $5) and gave it to you. You still have it. It's hard to believe that was 7 years ago and how much has happened since then. We started dating about 3 weeks later and it's been the happiest 7 years of my life! Happy Birthday, Jason! I hope you had a wonderful day and enjoyed your homemade cake. You are a wonderful Christian man and Elijah and I are blessed to have you as the leader of our family. We love you!
Also yesterday, Lori and I took Elijah and Annalee swimming. This was Annalee's first time and she really seemed to like it even though the water was a little cold. Here are a few pictures.
1 comment:
Summer, thanks for your sweet comments & especially your prayers! We're looking forward to Monday & meeting little Samuel. Love your blog. You have a precious family. Love ya, Kathy
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