I don't have anything in particular to blog about, so I thought I'd talk about some fun things we've done in the past few days. I can't believe we've already been back from Thailand a week and a half - almost as long as we were gone! On Friday, Jason and I went on a date to eat at Chili's and see the Pirates 3 movie. It was a good movie but the ending was very frustrating. It leaves you hanging again and makes me hope that there is a 4th movie coming out in the future. I didn't think I'd ever say that there needed to be a 4th movie of anything, but I need to know that there's a better ending than the one they left us with. :-)
We had a very lazy weekend of unpacking and getting things done around the house. Boring but kind of nice. Sunday night we met Jason's parents for dinner at the Cracker Barrel in Denton. They live in Gainesville, and Denton is halfway for both of us, so a lot of times we'll each drive 30 minutes to meet for dinner. We, especially Elijah, always enjoys when we're able to get together with them. And Elijah left with a new toy airplane, so I think he was happy!
Monday was spent doing things around the house except for a quick trip to meet Elijah's buddy, Ellie, at the park. We had not seen Abbie or Ellie since we got back from Thailand, so it was fun to catch up with them at the park, and Elijah had really missed Ellie. They only live about a mile or less from our house so it's very convenient for us to get together often. Abbie and I both went to A&M together and were at Fortress together for a while. Also, my good friend Jill came over for dinner that night. We have been friends since Jr high at church and it was so good to spend some time catching up with her.
Yesterday, Elijah had his 3 year old check-up at the doctor. He was less than thrilled about that, and I had forgotten about it until the night before so I had little time to warn him about it. I knew that he was caught up on his shots since he got his last Hep A before we went to Thailand, so I convinced him he was not going to get stuck this time. He seemed okay after that, and was very brave at the doctor's, letting them weigh and measure him, look down his throat and in his ears, and listen to his chest & back. He weighed 31 1/2 lbs and is 37" tall - in the 50% for both and is estimated to be 5' 10" when he is an adult. I thought all was going very smoothly until the doctor said that they had not done any bloodwork in a while! My first thought was, "Do you people want children to hate the doctor? The one time he doesn't need any shots and you want to do bloodwork!" So I had just a few minutes to prepare Elijah for that, and surprisingly, he seemed okay, but kept saying that he didn't want to get stuck. First he got to pee in a cup, which he thought was cool, and then just had his finger pricked - he was okay with that part until they came at his finger with the little tube to collect the blood and then he kind of freaked out and thought he was going to get stuck again. I calmed him down and then all was okay. All in all, it was not as bad as I had thought it might be. He was a very brave, big boy.
After the doctor, I got him some ice cream at Lori's house, since she lived close by and I thought he deserved something for his bravery. We decided to take a picnic to the Botanic Gardens and walk around at the new nature displays they have set up for children. It was a lot of fun and a very nice day - Elijah especially enjoyed pushing Annalee (Lori's 5 month old) around in the stroller and seeing the turtles in the pond. When we left, we decided that it was perfect weather for a sno-cone so we stopped on the way back to her house to get one. Elijah got a small pina colada and accidentally dumped the whole thing in Lori's front yard as soon as I gave it to him. So Lori and I both gave him part of ours and sat on the front porch enjoying our sno-cones. Lori and I have been best friends since the 5th grade, and it's so neat that both of us have a child now and can spend our days together again hanging out. It's so funny how things circle back around like that! We didn't go to college together and Lori has been working up until she had Annalee, so this is the first time we've really gotten to be together a lot since high school!
Up until yesterday, I thought I was going to Tennessee by myself this weekend for my cousin's wedding, but the airline prices went up and it didn't work out like I had hoped. Sabrina, I hope that your wedding is beautiful and that you have a wonderful day to remember forever!
Until next time....
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