Judah's been eating solid foods for over almost 2 weeks now. We started with cereal, then bananas, and just yesterday carrots. He is loving it...and sleeping better too. The little guy was only 15 lbs at his 6 month check-up (in the 10th percentile), so hopefully this will help him gain a little weight too. So far, he hasn't had any jar food - I'm trying to make my baby food this time. It's going really well, so if you need some pointers on trying it yourself, just let me know!
And these are just precious pictures that my mother-in-law took. Aren't they adorable of his sweet little face???

Looks like we carved a winner! What a historic election yesterday! I feel privileged to have been a part of it. For a great post on perspective in light of the new president, please click here.
I have more pictures to post, but this post is already long enough, so more later...
i cant wait to see all of yall! i just showed matt the pictures of judah from this post and he said "aww... i cant wait to see him!" :)
I love that pic of Elijah feeding him - what sweet brothers! They are too cute.
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