I think I have so many pictures of Judah at his high chair because that's when he's actually still and can't go anywhere. Otherwise, he's all over the place! To say that mealtimes have become a challenge with him lately is an understatement. Sometimes I want to pull my hair out because he's become so picky and throws his food if he doesn't like it, or spits it, or smashes it with his cute little hands. Although, it's NOT cute at the time. But he sure is. He looks innocent enough in these pictures.
Here is Elijah at the same age in his highchair. Notice how much cleaner he is - he actually ATE his food! I have a much better camera now than I did when Elijah was a baby.

But even though Judah is a mess, he's still at a very adorable age.
He loves to clap his hands, and he also rubs them together to tell me he's finished eating in sign language. It would work well if he weren't doing it the whole time he's eating. I know you'd rather be playing than eating, kiddo!
Judah's first Valentines Day with his teddy bear from Nana & Grangoat.
I can hardly get Elijah to look at the camera, and if he does his eyes are so squinty I can barely see them! Must be the age. Here he is with his school Valentines hat and cards. He was with Nana & Grangoat on Valentines Day this year visiting Lauren in Austin. Anyone else think he needs a haircut??? I told Jason back in the fall that I wanted to let it grow until his birthday in May, unless he tells me he wants it cut sooner or it starts looking like a mullet. I'm getting a little worried... :-)
I also realized that we have no pictures of our dog Trigger on our blog. How sad. He used to be the baby before the boys came along. Elijah had a poster to do for school about his pet, so I got some more recent pictures of Trigger & Elijah. See...squinty eyes.
Also, check out my new blog list on the right - it is awesome, I love it and it saves me so much time! Now, instead of clicking on every single blog to see if there is a new update, my new cool thing puts the blogs at the top who were updated recently and tells me when. The only ones it won't allow to do this are private blogs, so I kept those under my websites list so I can check them periodically. If you have a blog, I highly recommend doing this to save you some time! Thanks for the tip, Jennifer!
That first photo of Judah is so adorable. He looks like he's posing for a professional photo, but there's food everywhere!
I'm sure you've mentioned this before, but this is the first time I've noticed Grangoat? Where does that name come from?
And it's so nice to see Trigger. :)
No prob, Bob! Glad you're enjoying it. CUTE pictures of the boys!
I remember when Elijah was that little!!! It really is amazing how different the boys look. Btw...I think Elijah could use the trim. I'll do it for free. I just need a place to stay for the weekend!!! --Steph
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