Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas in (a lot of) pictures

Christmas Morning

ooooooo, the new batman race car

Kaki came over to give the boys her presents

Elijah loves his Spiderman laptop from Kaki

Christmas in Gainesville

Being silly with Grangoat on the exercise ball

My boys watching "Emmett Otter's Jugband Christmas", an annual Cox tradition.

Awww...Judah and Nana watching TV.

Laur-Laur playing games with the boys on the air mattress.

Opening gifts

Me, Elijah, Lauren and Matt all played Elijah's new board game.

Playing with Daddy...

and Grangoat.

Me and Lauren - aren't we cute? :-)

Jason cooking his yummy asparagus dish

Lauren & Matt got Judah this ginormous sock monkey for his room - guess we'd better start taking sock monkey pictures again huh? :-)

Lauren and Matt, aka "the dorky newlyweds"

Jason being silly

The whole Cox family


Anonymous said...
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Craig'O said...

Riverbottom Nightmare Band!!!!!!!!!!