Elijah lost his first tooth the night of June 3rd...the same day he graduated from kindergarten. He was so brave and so proud when it finally did pop out! The tooth fairy brought him $5 (it is the first tooth you know. the tooth fairy doesn't plan on shelling out that much for every single tooth :-)
It is also the first time that we've ever buzzed Elijah's hair for the summer. He wanted it like daddy's, so daddy took the clippers to it while I was taking a nap on the couch. Shocked me when I woke up, but I think it looks cute and Elijah loves not having to fix his hair!
Also in the last week was Judah's first time to wear underwear, pee-pee and poo-poo on the potty. He is doing GREAT with potty training...I am kind of shocked since he has been more stubborn than Elijah since birth. He rarely has accidents during the day anymore, and has done great out in a public a few times too, and it's only been 1 1/2 weeks...go Judah!
It's also the first time that Jason has turned 29 on his birthday! :-) We went on a date just the two of us last Friday night (saw Robin Hood & ate Caribbean food) - thanks for watching my boys Pam!!! Then we had cake at our small group on Sunday night, and yesterday on his actual birthday he and Elijah went to the Ranger's game. Happy Birthday Jason...you are the best daddy and husband and we love you!
We also got fingerprinted by CIS for the first time this morning. That is the last thing we have to do before going on the wait list. When that comes back from being processed, our dossier is complete, we get it to the Secretary of State to be authenticated and then our agency sends it off to Ethiopia to put us on the wait list. We are so excited to be so close to this big milestone on our journey! We'll keep you updated on our progress.
Elijah's haircut looks great--he definitely looks like his Daddy! :)
Judah's doing awesome with his potty training. I haven't even started yet with Hayden. Hope to see you sometime soon this summer.
I will have to get used to the haircut! Can't wait to see you guys. Try to get Skype working, please........
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