Scroll down to the next post if you are here to enter into my free giveaway this week (a Scentsy warmer & $25 credit to an online embroidery store) and/or for information on our t-shirt sales this month. For the rest of October only, every t-shirt sold at goes toward our adoption expenses, so check it out and spread the word! There are only 9 DAYS left to get yourself a shirt!!!

There is no way to describe how many donations we received.
You had to have been there to understand.
The garage sale items covered my circular driveway, part of my yard, my front porch, the straight driveway down the side of my house and into my backyard.
It was CRAZY!!!
Judah was so overwhelmed with it all, he just had to stop and get a drink. :-)
There is no way to describe how many donations we received.
You had to have been there to understand.
The garage sale items covered my circular driveway, part of my yard, my front porch, the straight driveway down the side of my house and into my backyard.
It was CRAZY!!!
Judah was so overwhelmed with it all, he just had to stop and get a drink. :-)
I could not have pulled this off without my friends and family.
I'm not going to lie...I was stressed out.
We worked 14 hour days for 4 days leading up to the sale just to get it ready.
I. WAS. EXHAUSTED before the sale even began!!!
These are some of my sweet friends that sacrificed their time to help me out.
Ashlee, Ashley, Katie, LeeAnn and Lori.
There were so many others that helped out in so many other ways but these ladies stuck by FOR A LONG TIME. I have to give a shout out to Abbie too...I didn't get a picture with her but she stayed up late the night before helping us hang clothes, bought us hangers, brought us food, etc.
THANK YOU FRIENDS - I love you guys!
Sweet LeeAnn was a clothes fiend!
And Judah was happy to have a friend to play with...and eat McDonald's with.
Elijah was so proud of his lemonade stand.
We had more furniture donated on Saturday morning.
And Judah was happy to have a friend to play with...and eat McDonald's with.
Elijah was so proud of his lemonade stand.
We had more furniture donated on Saturday morning.
I have the sweetest neighbors that I didn't even know before this.
Neighbors would come and give me $60 for a $1 item.
Neighbors came back with their own items to donate to our sale.
Like furniture...and swing sets...and $500 clothing to sell on ebay.
I was overwhelmed with everyone's generosity.
Neighbors would come and give me $60 for a $1 item.
Neighbors came back with their own items to donate to our sale.
Like furniture...and swing sets...and $500 clothing to sell on ebay.
I was overwhelmed with everyone's generosity.
We had hundreds of baked goods.
And more lemonade of course.
Elijah got a lot of business just because he's so cute! :-)
He made around $50-$60 just at his lemonade stand.
And more lemonade of course.
Elijah got a lot of business just because he's so cute! :-)
He made around $50-$60 just at his lemonade stand.
Of course we could not have done it without Nana & Grangoat who helped all day Saturday.
And MY MOM...oh my goodness, thank you so much mom...this would not have happened without you...she stuck with me ALL WEEK!!! {and maybe helped talk me down from insanity when I absolutely did not think we would pull this off}
Brad & Nova, thanks for your great donations and for helping us clean up!
Are you noticing everyone with their GO SEEK LOVE t-shirts on???
And MY MOM...oh my goodness, thank you so much mom...this would not have happened without you...she stuck with me ALL WEEK!!! {and maybe helped talk me down from insanity when I absolutely did not think we would pull this off}
Brad & Nova, thanks for your great donations and for helping us clean up!
Are you noticing everyone with their GO SEEK LOVE t-shirts on???
We hauled off 3 truck loads to the dump,
4 truck loads to the Salvation Army,
the rest of the books to a neighbor (about 20 boxes),
half of my storage shed is full for our church garage sale,
and STILL made $3,000!!!
God is good...He provided great weather all week long and blessed us with a very successful sale!
My children were filthy at the end of the whole ordeal.
4 truck loads to the Salvation Army,
the rest of the books to a neighbor (about 20 boxes),
half of my storage shed is full for our church garage sale,
and STILL made $3,000!!!
God is good...He provided great weather all week long and blessed us with a very successful sale!
My children were filthy at the end of the whole ordeal.
One last story (and I don't have a
Some neighbors walked over to our sale with their daughter in her stroller.
Guess where she's from???
Oh yes...Ethiopia.
She is 14 months old and they brought her home in January.
Did I mention they live only a few blocks from us?!?!
And used the same adoption agency that we are?
I love it when God throws in extra little surprises like that.
Some neighbors walked over to our sale with their daughter in her stroller.
Guess where she's from???
Oh yes...Ethiopia.
She is 14 months old and they brought her home in January.
Did I mention they live only a few blocks from us?!?!
And used the same adoption agency that we are?
I love it when God throws in extra little surprises like that.
Praise God! This post made me really happy for you all! And that is a TON of stuff!
WOW!!!!! That is craziness! I wish I could have been there to help y'all out. God really is good!!! I love you!!!!!!!!!
What a huge success! And that is really cool that you have a neighbor with a daughter from Ethiopia. I've really enjoyed meeting other Ethiopian kids in this area. I think there's a group that meets in the DFW area monthly.
Hey, Summer! I'm so glad it was a success! I linked you on FB and became a follower, too ;)
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