Congratulations! Please get in touch with me at jlandskcox@yahoo.com to claim your prize.
Thanks so much to everyone who spread the word about the giveaway for us, bought t-shirts and entered your name in the drawing. And thanks again to Monica for the great Amway basket. We are so amazed at the outpouring of support!
Just to recap for those of you just now tuning in...we have been given the AMAZING opportunity to partner with the Dubois family for the entire month of October. All proceeds from t-shirts sold at www.goseeklove.com go directly to our adoption fund. They are beautiful & make great Christmas presents - go check them out! We need your help though...buying the shirts, spreading the word and reading our blog. In an effort to encourage participation, we are doing a free giveaway each Sunday in October!!! Now on to GIVEAWAY #2:
Okay, all of you in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, LISTEN UP!
I've got a wonderful giveaway this week for you!
My sweet, sweet friend Jennifer makes the most BEAUTIFUL custom cakes and is in the beginning stages of getting her cake-making business going. For our giveaway this week, she has so generously donated...
A free custom-made 9x13 cake!!!
Do you have a birthday party coming up? How about a wedding shower, baby shower, anniversary or holiday party? Now is your chance to win a personalized theme cake for whatever special event is in the near future! I mean, who doesn't need a cake for something?!?! If it were me, I would be so excited to get in this drawing! Not only are her cakes beautiful but they are delicious too! Here are a few of the cakes that she has made (click to make the pictures larger):

She is so talented and her prices are very reasonable! To get in touch with Jennifer about a custom-made cake for your special event, please email her at jbro106642@yahoo.com. You can also check out more cakes she has made on her facebook page HERE.
Here are the rules again of how you can get into the drawing for this free cake:
1. Become a Follower of this blog (if you already are a follower just say so in the comments - you can only play this card once all month). Under Followers on the bottom right side of my blog, just click "Follow" and WALLAH, you have your name in the drawing once!
2. Post about this giveaway and our t-shirt sales on Facebook (you can do this again even if you already did last time)
3. Post about this giveaway and our t-shirt sales on your Blog (same thing - you can do this again even if you already did last time)
4. Head on over to Jennifer's facebook website to check out her beautiful cakes HERE
5. and 6. BUYING A T-SHIRT at www.goseeklove.com gets you TWO entries!
Be sure to leave a comment telling me EACH entry that you make and how many t-shirts you bought. Winner will be selected at random by a drawing on Sunday, October 17th and will be posted on my blog. Have your entries in no later than Saturday, October 16th at 6:00pm. I so appreciated all of the posts on facebook & blogs and those that bought t-shirts last giveaway but not all of you left a comment for the drawing! I really want you guys to be blessed as well, but unless there is a comment on my blog for what you did, your name will not be in the drawing. Don't forget! :-)
Check back each week for a new giveaway. Thank you so much for helping us spread the word and supporting our efforts to bring our daughter home. We couldn't do this without you!
I know this post is getting long, but the next order of business is our Garage Sale...it is this coming weekend - I can't believe it! We are still accepting donations, baked goods, walmart sacks, hangers, tables and hanging clothes racks. We need your help spreading the word about our garage sale, and we need YOU to come!
Friday, October 15 and Saturday, October 16
at our home
email me at jlandskcox@yahoo.com for my address
Have a great week!!!
GO into all the world.
SEEK first the kingdom of God.
LOVE your neighbor as yourself.
Congratulations! Please get in touch with me at jlandskcox@yahoo.com to claim your prize.
Thanks so much to everyone who spread the word about the giveaway for us, bought t-shirts and entered your name in the drawing. And thanks again to Monica for the great Amway basket. We are so amazed at the outpouring of support!
Just to recap for those of you just now tuning in...we have been given the AMAZING opportunity to partner with the Dubois family for the entire month of October. All proceeds from t-shirts sold at www.goseeklove.com go directly to our adoption fund. They are beautiful & make great Christmas presents - go check them out! We need your help though...buying the shirts, spreading the word and reading our blog. In an effort to encourage participation, we are doing a free giveaway each Sunday in October!!! Now on to GIVEAWAY #2:
Okay, all of you in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, LISTEN UP!
I've got a wonderful giveaway this week for you!
My sweet, sweet friend Jennifer makes the most BEAUTIFUL custom cakes and is in the beginning stages of getting her cake-making business going. For our giveaway this week, she has so generously donated...
A free custom-made 9x13 cake!!!
Do you have a birthday party coming up? How about a wedding shower, baby shower, anniversary or holiday party? Now is your chance to win a personalized theme cake for whatever special event is in the near future! I mean, who doesn't need a cake for something?!?! If it were me, I would be so excited to get in this drawing! Not only are her cakes beautiful but they are delicious too! Here are a few of the cakes that she has made (click to make the pictures larger):

She is so talented and her prices are very reasonable! To get in touch with Jennifer about a custom-made cake for your special event, please email her at jbro106642@yahoo.com. You can also check out more cakes she has made on her facebook page HERE.
Here are the rules again of how you can get into the drawing for this free cake:
1. Become a Follower of this blog (if you already are a follower just say so in the comments - you can only play this card once all month). Under Followers on the bottom right side of my blog, just click "Follow" and WALLAH, you have your name in the drawing once!
2. Post about this giveaway and our t-shirt sales on Facebook (you can do this again even if you already did last time)
3. Post about this giveaway and our t-shirt sales on your Blog (same thing - you can do this again even if you already did last time)
4. Head on over to Jennifer's facebook website to check out her beautiful cakes HERE
5. and 6. BUYING A T-SHIRT at www.goseeklove.com gets you TWO entries!
Be sure to leave a comment telling me EACH entry that you make and how many t-shirts you bought. Winner will be selected at random by a drawing on Sunday, October 17th and will be posted on my blog. Have your entries in no later than Saturday, October 16th at 6:00pm. I so appreciated all of the posts on facebook & blogs and those that bought t-shirts last giveaway but not all of you left a comment for the drawing! I really want you guys to be blessed as well, but unless there is a comment on my blog for what you did, your name will not be in the drawing. Don't forget! :-)
Check back each week for a new giveaway. Thank you so much for helping us spread the word and supporting our efforts to bring our daughter home. We couldn't do this without you!
I know this post is getting long, but the next order of business is our Garage Sale...it is this coming weekend - I can't believe it! We are still accepting donations, baked goods, walmart sacks, hangers, tables and hanging clothes racks. We need your help spreading the word about our garage sale, and we need YOU to come!
Friday, October 15 and Saturday, October 16
at our home
email me at jlandskcox@yahoo.com for my address
Have a great week!!!
GO into all the world.
SEEK first the kingdom of God.
LOVE your neighbor as yourself.
Just ordered our shirts! Yay for the Cox family!
Oh my gosh, perfect timing. I really want to win this giveaway! Ben's bday is coming up and I was going to try to make the cake myself, but this would be awesome. I looked at her cakes and she does great work, just might have to contact her even if I dont win to see what she would charge for Ben's cake.
And I posted to facebook!
Jill Perry
I also posted this onto my facebook! I also went and looked at Jennifer's cakes and think she does awesome work!
Matt Perry (Jill's Husband)
I just picked up the basket, thanks guys! I'll keep the word going!
posted on my blog!
i posted on facebook too. :)
I am good for THREE entries! 1. FB 2. Blog 3. Jennifer's Facebook
I'm thinking I might want a custom Texas Rangers cake for after they win this upcoming series. ;-)
A rangers cake is a great idea!!! : ) Just followed your blog and posted on my FB!
I don't live in the area, but with family there I'm sure one of us will be able to use a free cake. :)
I posted about it on my blog and checked out Jennifer's cakes on FB. They look great!
I am a fan of your blog!
Love the Zebra Cake! it is too cute!
What do you think concerning adding some more pics? No offence, page is really great. But as I know visitors acquire information much more effective if there are some helpful pictures.
Steaven Mainfield
jamming device
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