Tuesday, February 15, 2011

valentine's day

I think we all had a great Valentine's Day this year. The boys both had school parties yesterday and came home with all kinds of goodies!

They are so funny! I kept trying and trying to get a good one of both of them looking at the camera, but the two year old was not cooperating. Shocker. :-)

My mom was in town this past weekend so Jason and I got TWO nights out by ourselves. Happy Valentine's Day to us! She also gave the boys this PRECIOUS storybook for their Valentine's gift.

It recorded her voice reading the book, so every time you turn the page she reads the words on that page. The boys LOVE it! Judah thought it was like a telephone and kept trying to get her attention. :-) Now anytime they want Kaki to read to them, all they have to do is open this book!


Lauren said...

Aww...they look so big!

Amber said...

My mother-in-law gave my kids one of those recordable books. They love it! It is so special for them to all get to sit together and hear her read them a story. It's something we'll treasure forever, as I'm sure you will too.