Thursday, June 16, 2011

summer spectacular & haircuts

So our church's annual Summer Spectacular (aka: a VERY hyped up VBS) was this week. This year was about Noah: God Keeps His Promises. The boys had fun and we enjoyed the 3-night broadway style musical. I am always amazed at the time and effort that goes into this week! Here are a few pictures:

My husband is a dork. :-)

This ark was built around the sign-in table at the front doors: amazing!

Oh, you noticed their hair is shorter! That's something we did this past weekend. And Jason and I did it ourselves to save some money. I decided if I butchered Judah's hair then we would just buzz it all off like Elijah's, but it turned out pretty good I think.

My 7 and 3 year old cuties!

Elijah is now at Camp of the Hills with my mom for his first of 3 trips there this summer. This equals HEAVEN to him! :-)

My heart is very heavy this week. One of my dearest friend's dad passed away very unexpectedly on Monday morning. It has been a week of a lot of heartache, grief and tough decisions for her. Please pray for Lori and her family, especially tonight and tomorrow during the visitation/funeral and in the days/weeks/months ahead.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The boys are soooo cute (except I'm not real sure about the one on the ground under the bear:)! I'm going to need a grandson fix pretty soon!!