Tuesday, May 08, 2012

four and eight

Since the boys' birthdays are only 3 weeks apart, we are going to have double parties as long as they will let me get away with it! :-) They chose a skating party with an Angry Bird theme this year.

 I made both of the cakes all by myself this year. I was really proud of the way they turned out.

 They got so many wonderful gifts - thank you everyone! Including these adorable guitar shirts handmade by my friend Ashley!

Mmmm, red icing!

The party guests.

Some of my fabulous friends that came for the party. I am so blessed!

This year's party = success. Thanks to everyone who came and made it so special!


Elisabeth said...

I love the party photos! What cute cakes! I check your blog a couple of times per week to see if there is any news...I pray it is soon!


Melissa Jackson said...

Great job on the boys' cakes!