Sunday, July 01, 2012

twenty-four months


Tricia said...

No words...but hang in there. I am praying for you, and all the families who wait on Gladney's list. I think there is a dinner this coming weekend or next with the DFW area Ethiopia families group...are you a member? I will send you an invite if not...

Anonymous said...

Wow. Two years. Slow and steady, it's what we have to think! Hang in there Cox family . . . hoping to see more movement this month.

All the best,
(S-DC family)

Sydney said...

Still think of you and pray for you every month on the 1st of the month (and other times the Lord brings you to mind). Your time has got to be soon, but I am sorry for the wait.

Abbie said...

It was so good to see you today friend. I can only imagine the joy that will be seen, felt and heard when the sweet words are spoken, "you are no longer on this wait list because your little girl is ready to meet you". The time will be soon.

Isaac&Kyle said...

Hard to believe, but hang in there! We are praying for you and pulling for you to move off the wait list! What a story you will have to share with your little girl one day!