Thursday, October 10, 2013

orphan no more

This little girl is so full of JOY! If I had to choose one word to describe her, that would be it. She has embraced our family and all that comes with it. She is an orphan no more. God is healing her wounded heart and it has been a blessing to watch her blossom into daughter and sister.  Above, is the first time she's had Ethiopian food since coming to America. She's holding a piece of leftover injera bread. Ethiopian food is SO GOOD! My mouth was watering just thinking about eating it that night, and we enjoyed the company of new adoption friends, the Horne's. Praying, praying for the day they get THE CALL.

Sister loves being outside! This was her first time on the tricycle and since she didn't know how to pedal, her sweet biggest brother was helping her out.

 Judah loves to bike too - we're almost ready to take the training wheels off!

She lights up to music - absolutely loves it! Sings and dances - it's precious. I have got to get a video of her gettin' jiggy with it. Girl can dance!!! She loves playing guitar with Daddy...

It is hard to believe that she's already 17 months old - almost halfway to two!

 She loves walking around with her blanket and a baby doll!

We also had a great time on Saturday at Savannah's 4th birthday party!

Studmuffin, yes? :-)

So enjoying the change into cooler weather but not the allergies that come with it!!!

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