Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Better late than never I guess

In no particular order, here are a ton of pictures of things we did on our "vacation" the week before last. We had a great time and enjoyed every minute!
A funny Elijah story...earlier this evening he just randomly told Jason: "Mommy's a princess. Mommy's a queen. Mommy is Santa Clause." Hmmmm, I like the first two but I'm not quite sure where he came up with the third one! :-)
On another note, I am flying out to New Mexico tomorrow night to help my mom with an estate sale and will be back on Sunday. Elijah will be staying with friends and family while Jason's at work and school. Please keep my safety in your prayers and our family as we are separated.

Fishing with Daddy & Grangoat:

Sailing, fishing & swimming on Eagle Mountain Lake:

The Fort Worth Zoo:

Watching a movie with Daddy:

The Wiggles Play Center in Frisco:

Being a pirate:
(with my sister-in-law Lauren and her boyfriend Matt)


Anonymous said...

those pictures are GREAT! the one of elijah at the bottom is hilarious - he is such a gangsta

Lori said...

finally!!! :) Looks like you had some great family time.

Anonymous said...

lauren, i agree!!! i was going to post that he is living that thug life!!!
