Just a fun picture of Elijah. I went to the doctor today for another check-up on Baby. Everything went just great - we heard the heartbeat again (fast and furious) and Elijah thought that was really neat! My next appointment is in about 2 1/2 weeks when we'll have our 20-week sonogram. Jason and I are still at odds on whether or not to find out the sex of the baby. I guess you'll know in a few weeks what we decided! :-) I can't believe it's almost time for that already - even with how sick I've been with this baby, it is amazing how fast a pregnancy flies by!

After my doctor appointment this morning, Elijah, my mom and I headed to the zoo. Jason had an assignment from school that had to be done at the zoo, and since it was half price day on Wednesdays, we decided to go today. We had a good time...the weather was great and it wasn't very crowded; although I haven't walked that much since I found out I was pregnant, so I was pretty tired by the end. I figure this is my last time to take Elijah to the zoo before it gets cold and maybe until after the baby is born, so I was glad that we had to go. His favorite thing this time was feeding the goats some leaves - he wanted to stay there all day but we finally dragged him away! Have a great week and a Happy Thanksgiving, if I don't post until after that!

That is a precious pic of him kissing your belly!
He is so beautiful!!! Glad you are feeling good! Happy Turkey Week!
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