Sunday, November 04, 2007

It's a Bird...It's a Plane...

I bet you can guess who Elijah was this year for Halloween - complete with the curl in front! We had a great Halloween, complete with making cookies, carving pumpkins, trick-or-treating in our neighborhood on Saturday night and a Fall Festival at church on Halloween night. Here are lots of pictures in no particular order - I couldn't decide on which Superman pictures to put up so I picked a lot of them because Nana got so many good ones! Also, check out Jason's pumpkin that he carved - Arnold Schwarzenegger - it is AWESOME! Be sure you click on that picture to enlarge it so you can see it better - he was extremely proud of it, although I'm still not sure why he chose to carve that. :-) Hope all of you had a great Halloween too!


Lori said...

Oh the talent Mr. Jason!! Wow. Those superman pictures are great!! I love all the poses.

Alisha said...

The curl is so adorable! It really makes the costume.

Lauren said...

well the two things i was going to comment on were covered by the last two people! i'll say them anyway :) - elijah's curl is SO cute! and jason... you're so random. haha! your pumpkin looks good though!

Anonymous said...

That has got to be the cutest curl and the prettiest eyes I have ever seen on Superman!!