Pumpkins of the Past: October 2004 - Elijah, 5 months
October 2005: Elijah, 17 months
October 2006: Elijah, 2 1/2 years
October 2007: Elijah, 3 1/2 years
October 2008: Judah, 6 months & Elijah, 4 1/2 years
October 2009: Elijah, 5 1/2 years & Judah, almost 18 months
So, we went to the Flower Mound Pumpkin Patch on Sunday. It was INSANELY crowded, so do you know what we did? We went right next door to the OTHER less famous pumpkin patch that had hardly any people at it but everything was just as great. Free bounce houses, free hay rides and lots of photo opportunities. It was much less stressful there - I think we'll do that every time from now on. The boys had a blast - Elijah always looks forward to this every year. I took a ton of pictures of course but had trouble getting ONE good one of both boys together. Oh well. :-)
The only family photo we got:
DONE. He was just done with pictures at this point. :)
Judah was very fascinated with the horses.
We leave on Sunday afternoon for Galveston, and then our cruise leaves on Monday. I am excited and also nervous. I have never left the boys for that long before and we don't have phone access unless we want to pay an arm and a leg. We are going to hopefully talk with them on Skype each afternoon and pay a one time internet fee. Please pray for us as we are separated from them that we'll all adjust for the week and for my mom as she cares for them. So this is probably the last post from me until we get back, which is on Halloween morning. I'm sure the next post will have GOBS of pictures from the cruise and Halloween. We will be back to take them trick or treating that night. This weekend before we leave, we are going to our neighborhood Halloween park party and Elijah's school's fall festival. If you think of us next week, don't be jealous as you picture us on the beach! :-)
One last thing for your viewing pleasure. A video of my boys performing. You'll notice a few things in this video: 1. Elijah is in a silly mood, 2. Judah thinks the paddle (aka "the monster in the closet") is a guitar, 3. Judah does NOT like his brother taking things from him right now and 4. He is really trying to sing something to me from school but I can't figure it out.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Please ignore the fact that this background says "Happy Thanksgiving" on it because I think it's adorable. :-) It'll be accurate soon enough.
Judah tripped down our front porch steps on Saturday afternoon and scraped up the side of his eye. By Sunday morning it looked like this as we were on our way to church:
Then on Monday the swelling went down and we were just left with a big scrape.
Poor guy, it was his first really big fall (shocking I know). He sure is cute. He has been nursing once a day up to this point, but on Sunday I started weaning him before we go on our cruise. That is always very emotional for me - he's not missed a beat, of course! :-) He's such a big boy! --------------------------------------------------------
Six months ago we bought U2 tickets with our friends, Bill & Chrissy. Last night was FINALLY the night - we had been waiting a long time!!!
It was at the new Cowboy's Stadium - the setup for the concert was insane. It looked like a large green spider with orange spots but ended up being a spaceship. It was massive.
I don't have the best camera for these sorts of things but had to get some pictures. You can see that the large "spider" had lots of special effects!
You can see real live Bono on the runway on the right side of the picture in the black jacket.
The concert was out of this world. There are hardly words to describe it. It was by far the best concert I've been to - my mouth was hanging open through most of it I was in such awe of the talent & performance. If you get a chance to see them, don't pass it up. It was fun, inspiring and at times very spiritual. Bono is a Jesus-follower and if you don't know about his ONE campaign to end world poverty, you should check it out: http://www.one.org/us/.
Here are a couple videos from the concert last night, click HERE and HERE - this one started with Amazing Grace but I couldn't find one that captured that too.
My very close friend Ashley delivered her baby girl, Savannah Ruth, on Tuesday evening. She weighed 7lbs 9oz and was 19 1/2" long. Ashley had a very quick labor & delivery and they are both doing great. She and I have known each other since infancy and have been close friends the entire time. I am so happy for her and Brandon.
Funny story about her delivery day...I had planned in advance to bring Ashley lunch that day since she was on bed rest for high blood pressure. I called her that morning to see what she would like to eat and she told me she wasn't feeling too great. She said she'd been cramping on and off since the middle of night and a couple of times had fluid running down her leg. I said, girl you're in labor and it sounds like your water broke!!! I headed over there to check on her and encouraged her to call the doctor - they said to come on in. So after eating a quick lunch and packing the rest of her things for the hospital "just in case" I took her to her doctor's appt at 1pm where Brandon met us. They confirmed she was in labor with a broken water bag and sent her over to the hospital - Savannah was born at 7:58pm. It was so much fun to play a part in their big day and I was thrilled to be at the hospital when she born and get to hold her very shortly after.
She told me later that night, "Thanks for making me call the doctor. " Ha ha...you're welcome. :-)
1. Yesterday Judah finally moved into a big boy car seat. He is so small that his doctor told me to keep him in the baby carrier he has been in since birth, as long as I possibly could. He is 17 months old and maybe by now he weighs 20 lbs. Sheesh. His legs were cramped and he was tired of facing the back of the seat, so Walla! We fixed that problem.
Last time in the baby seat-
Very proud of his new seat-
First time in the car - he kept pointing out the window at everything. He is a happy camper again and looks like such a big boy now.
2. Also yesterday we went to pick out some pumpkins. So here are our first fall pumpkin pictures of the boys-
3. Elijah & Jonathan dressed up like super heroes.
Batman and a Lion Pirate (Elijah's words)-
4. Pictures from Lauren's shower last weekend.
I wrapped their gift in a baby diaper box (have a lot of those these days) and didn't think much of it. But when they opened it, everyone freaked out and said, Do you have something to tell us Lauren? Oops. It was really funny though.
I was the gift writer girl-
Me and my good friend Chrissy. Love this girl!
Lauren with her hostesses. Such sweet ladies.
Me, my MIL Debbie, sisters-in-law Lauren & Nova. We had our girl's night out the night before this and had a lot of fun together. I love being with them.
5. Another soccer game. He really does seem to love it.
That should catch us up for now. I do love October - it's my favorite month - but it sure is busy! Only 3 weeks until Jason and I leave for our cruise!