Elijah had Western Day at school last week. Here he is in his duds:
He is just growing up so fast! Some things about him right now:
*I think he is officially not a bed wetter anymore (knock on wood :)
*One of his bottom front teeth is still loose but doesn't appear in a hurry to come out yet
*I took him to the dentist a few weeks ago for a check up and he has 3 cavities. :( Poor guy, I guess he gets that from me. I didn't eat a lot of sweets and brushed well but have always had cavities. We will be going back to get those filled in March.
*He is doing really well in school. I met with his teacher last week for a mid-year conference and he is excelling, especially in reading. She said that he had already mastered everything he is supposed to have to go to 1st grade next year.
*He says he is ready for 1st grade because kindergarten is boring. :)
*He wants to have a swimming party for his 6th birthday with a Batman cake.
*He and I have memorized two scriptures together so far. We recite them on the way to school every morning.
*He loves to pester his baby brother...sibling squabbles already.
*He is testing my patience right now as we struggle through homework, video game restrictions and his constant urge to argue with me.
Oh, how I love him though! I mean, just look at him!
Judah at 21 months old:
Oh, Judah Judah. What to say about him. He is a MESS!
*Just this week I have been the parent with the screaming, flailing toddler in the middle of the store TWICE! Once at Walmart and once at Lifeway Christian bookstore. Yikes...I never thought I would be the one on the receiving end of all of the stares.
*Apparently we have started the terrible twos early...I am hoping that means they will end early as well. :)
*His vocabulary has exploded lately, and he will at least try to say everything you ask him to.
*We have started time-outs with him (wonder why:)..and so far they work
*He will be 2 in just a couple of months...I CANNOT believe it!!! Sesame Street party is in the works.
*He is still attached to his pacifier (blah) and blanket (coey)....I have no idea why he calls them that
*He has yet to have a "real" haircut...it may be time soon though :)
*Favorite foods: yogurt, pepperoni, fruit (esp bananas & strawberries), crackers, goldfish, cereal bars and juice...nothing GREEN!
*Recently he adores Kaki, Elijah (yijah), school, his teacher Ms. Pam, his new bff Jace, balls, trains, cars, Sesame Street, dinosaurs and throwing fits (ha ha)
He is teaching me so many things right now and we just love him!!! Don't you like the price tag that he put on himself??? I think he's worth a little more than that. :)
The boys were showing us their muscles here:
We also went to Deacon's birthday party last weekend:
Judah enjoyed his balloon immensely!
And what have I been up to???
*Getting over a cold / congestion
*Teaching at the preschool, which I am loving!
*Spending time with my hubby and boys
*Starting a new Beth Moore bible study with friends from the preschool on Tues nights
*Enjoying bunco with friends once a month
*Growing a precious new friendship (those don't happen as often as you get older)
*A lot of praying, soul searching and growing in the Lord
*Memorizing scripture and
*Preparing for change
Hopefully the next posts won't be so few and far between!
Love the pics and the updates:)
cute cowboy!
hi all
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