We awoke Thurs morning to a beautiful snow. Since the roads weren't icy, we all had to go to work and school. Unfortunately, Judah was running a fever so my mom stayed with him while I went to work and took Elijah to school. When we got home, Judah was feeling a little better, so we went outside to play.
The boys built a snowman:
They were both so excited to be wearing their "snow boots" :-)
Are you sure we live in Texas??? Crazy!
Judah was all about "boot, coat, hat, hand (gloves), out". When we weren't outside, he was insisting to wear them inside.
These are on Friday morning. It is just gorgeous!!!
You can't even see the street!
The trees were my favorite!
Elijah and I made snow ice cream after Judah went down for his nap on Friday. It was very yummy!
Thank you God for the gorgeous snow...we LOVED it!
Judah's 1st "Official" Haircut
On Saturday, we decided it was finally time to take Judah to a professional for his first haircut. I mean, he was starting to sort of sport a mullet in the back...NOT COOL! :-) I think everyone at the preschool will be very happy with me for finally buckling down and doing it. It's amazing that he's nearly 2 and we're just now doing this...his hair must grow at turtle speed.
A few "before" pictures while waiting our turn:
We went to the same barber where Elijah got his first haircut. As you can see, he was not too sure about it at first. He was saying, "MAMA, MAMA!!!"
"Seriously dude, quit messing with me, I don't like it!"
"Okay, I guess I need to suck it up, no one is going to save me."
"I am so over this."
"Don't I look handsome? Mama saved all of my curls in a baggy for my baby book."
Then Elijah decided he wanted to chop his off as well, much to Daddy's dismay. Daddy likes it long but mommy is tired of wetting it down every. single. morning for school!
And the finished product for both of my boys. They are so grown up! Almost 6 and almost 2.
My verse for February 15th:
Ephesians 4:1-2
"I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love."
I have been talking with some lately about your calling and how to know what your calling is. God has a specific purpose for our lives while we are here on this earth...it is not just to coast through until we get to heaven. If we are not in tune with God and His word then it is probably difficult to know what He has called you to do. Also, if we let things hold us back from our calling such as fear, our comfort, money, the opinions of others or anything else, then we are selling ourselves short of the exciting life God has planned for us. I feel like I am starting to get an inkling of some of the things God has planned for me through study of His word, conversations with others and some confirmation...I am praying about this a lot right now and thought this verse would be a good reminder for me to press on in my search.
p.s. I think it's funny after I said the last post was for my 2 fans that I had 2 comments...lol.
Wonderful pictures, precious family, thought provoking words. You are all such a blessing in our lives. We enjoyed spending some time with you yesterday. Thanks for sharing.
I'm not sure Jill and I are "fans,"
we are more like extremely proud admires of a fantastic family. LOL/
-Pappa Mac and Jill
i LOVE judah's haircut! I haven't blogged in forever.... I was going to tonight because I have internet access, but Matt took my laptop which has all of my pictures and all of my "blog posts in the making". Maybe we should invest in internet access at the apt so i can keep up. :)
I am so jealous that you got to take Judah to get his haircut! Chloe hardly has any hair. Even after his haircut he still has more than her. I can't believe how fast they are growing. Let us know when you are planing Judah's birthday party and we will set the date aside so they can meet.
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