What a crazy, busy but wonderfully blessed week this has been! It has been full of fun and celebrations with a bittersweet goodbye mixed in as well.
The biggest event of the week was the arrival of sweet Kaelyn Grace - our dear friends' fourth child and third baby girl! She arrived on Thursday in the middle of the last day of preschool, class parties and Elijah's Christmas program, and the day before the Tuckers moved to Oregon - they were so glad to see her before they left! We were blessed to be a part of her birthday and keep her big brother Micah for a couple of nights while Katie was in the hospital.
On Monday, Judah had pajama day and his Christmas program. This is his dearest friend, Linkon. They are quite a pair and were adorable performing their Christmas songs in their pjs!
I think this is their secret best friend handshake. :-)
I told you they were nutty!
Yay for pajama day!!!
On Tuesday we had a Christmas cookie decorating party at Ashley's house!

Judah and Ashley's sweet Savannah.
I looked over and Judah had stolen the spatula and was licking it! :-)
On Wednesday, Elijah had pajama day and his class Christmas party.
Decorating cookies with his class.
Him and his best buddy at school, Zander.
On Thursday night, Elijah had his Christmas program. Big brother Micah tagged along since his baby sister had been born that morning. He and Elijah are such great friends!
Thanks for driving all the way down Nana and Grangoat!
A family picture. Micah told us he wanted to be part of our family instead. :-)
I have both boys' performances on video but they are too big to add on here. Family, I can show you those later if you want to see them. :-)
What a week, but how blessed we are to have so much to do and celebrate!
What a week, but how blessed we are to have so much to do and celebrate!
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