The book - the one I've been waiting for. Picked it up on Saturday and from the moment I started reading, I'm hooked. It's hard to put down and the only reason I didn't read all weekend was because we were very busy. I'm on chapter 6 - so far, so great! I think it will meet its very high expectations from so many.
Also, my BFF from college, Stephanie came to stay with me on Thurs and Friday. We had a great time hanging out and talking, and I think Elijah likes Stephanie as well (if you can tell from the picture). On Friday, we met our friend Melissa, from A&M as well, at a park in Hurst to eat lunch and play. We had so much fun talking, watching Elijah play, getting sno-cones and "bird bowling" around the pond. Thanks for meeting us Melissa, we had a great time! Above, there they are eating their sno-cones. They were both impressed that when I asked Elijah what the Aggies say, he said "Gig 'em!". Whoop!
Other randoms from the weekend:
My sister's husband, Dale, took Elijah for a ride on their new 4-wheeler. He had a blast!
This is Elijah with his "cozy", as he calls it. He just got attached to this blanket this summer, and we're hoping it will be our redemption from the paci! :-) No luck with that yet. He asks me several times a day to "get cozy" and I wrap him up in his blanket and set him on the recliner. He gets a huge smile on his face!
This I just thought was a cute picture of Elijah with Lori's daughter, Annalee. Little do they know how cool it is for Lori and I to see our children together. We were 10 years old when we met - talk about coming full circle!
Lastly, The Tattoo. Yes, Jason Cox - my husband- got a tattoo on Friday. What is the world coming to when my husband gets a tattoo?!?! :-) I will post a picture of it later. Jason was a little worried to tell his parents about it, but it all went fine when he waited until they both had a glass of wine in their hands - Ha! :-) Elijah and I may be taking a short trip to Camp of the Hills this Thurs & Fri with my mom and a few others. I'm looking forward to showing Elijah where his daddy and I started dating - it is such a special place for Jason and I, and I'm sure I'll get lots of pictures.
Annalee was so happy to see her picture on your blog again!!! Sounds like you had a great weekend with family and friends. Love ya!
I'm glad Elijah likes me! I really had fun at the park with you, Elijah, and Melissa!! Happy Birthday, Debbie!
Wish I could have made your "weekend" post! :( I'm still feeling sorry for myself. Well, on a positive note...tomorrow's Friday! YEAH! Hope the Cox's have a great weekend!
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