Monday, July 16, 2007

Movie Buffs

Jason and I saw TWO movies on Saturday! I don't remember when that has ever happened before - two movies in one day. His parents took Elijah for the weekend, so we were all alone with a gift card to Cheesecake Factory and a movie theater gift card....can we say FREE day of fun by ourselves! The second movie we saw was Transformers (a great action thriller!) but the original movie that we had planned to go see a long time ago was the new Harry Potter! I was so excited about this one - I read the books and own every single movie so I had been counting down to this movie for a long time! It was really good and one of the better ones in my opinion - of course, they're never quite as good as the book and never have time to include every plot and detail, but overall - very good! Now I can't wait for the last book to come out this weekend - I pre-ordered it! :-) Have a great week and maybe I'll have something more exciting to write about soon.


Anonymous said...

I went and saw the new Die Hard movie! I haven't seen them all, but I thought it was pretty good. One of the guys in the theater said it wasn't a "typical die hard movie" so i dont know what that means, but i liked it! there is one more 'review' for ya! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Summer, this is Brad, Kristi's brother. Thank you so much for your kind words of support. And thanks for the link to your site. We'll definitely follow along. Take care and God bless.

Anonymous said...

Posting a comment, so you will know that I am reading it. I would rather comment on previous blogs. WOW!!! - I have a cute grandson!!