We had an eventful week last week. I helped my mom with an estate sale all day Thursday, Friday and Saturday, which meant we spent most of the week getting last minute things ready for it. Elijah spent some time with my friend Abbie and her daughter Ellie, my niece Katherine and my sister Kristi and her son Jonathan while I was working. Thanks so much for the help guys! With all of the rain though (Crazy!!) I just let Elijah go outside and play in it one day. He had a blast and even rode his tricycle around in it as well. Here is a picture of him soaked outside!
This past Saturday night, we took Elijah to see "Ratatouille" at the movies. This was the first movie we have taken him to in a long time - it was really cute but we discovered that he isn't quite old enough to sit still through a whole movie yet. :-) Then we drove on to Gainesville to spend the night with Jason's parents. We got up the next morning to go to church with Jason's sister, Lauren, at the church in Denison where she is doing an internship this summer. Here is Grangoat reading Elijah a story before bedtime.
Here is the funniest picture by far - Elijah slept on the floor in Lauren's old bedroom. When I went in to check on him before we went to bed, I found him asleep like this! I almost died laughing and called Jason's parents in to see him - those are Lauren's girlie boots on his feet! He is such a mess! :-) This isn't the only crazy thing he did this weekend. The whole weekend beginning with going to see the movie, then at church the next morning and on into the day on Sunday, he was WIRED! We all just kept saying, "I've never seen him like this!" over and over. He wasn't being bad, he was just very, very hyper and full of energy! At times, we just laughed watching him run around like a crazy man! Those of you that know Elijah know how calm he usually is, so this was quite a surprise for us - I hope this isn't a sign of what's to come! Ha! A few funny things he said this weekend: 1. While I was gone working at the estate sale, Jason gave him some animal crackers and Elijah told him, "Mama says if it's not a vegetable then it's a treat." I guess he is listening when I talk to him about healthy and not healthy foods! 2. This one wasn't funny at the time because he was being a mess, but when I asked him to pick something up off the floor, he looked at me and said "Not today mama" and walked off. 3. Last night when putting him to bed, we asked him what he did with Clare (this is his friend in Gainesville that he had been playing with earlier that evening). He said, "We went shopping." We asked him what he went shopping for and he said, "Mattress with Clare." Jason said, "You went mattress shopping with Clare?" and Elijah said, "Yes." We just about fell over laughing and called Clare's dad (Jason's good friend Bill) to tell him what our children had been up to that evening. Bill jokingly thinks that Elijah is after Clare, and he and Jason are always telling each other to keep their kid in line around the other, so this was a really funny story! He is such a funny little boy and is always making us laugh!
Also this week we got our professional pictures back that we had made right after Elijah's 3 year old birthday. My good friend, Neal, is just starting a photography business and offered to take our picture for free to get his business up and going. We only had to pay for the pictures themselves and I think they turned out great! Below are a few of my favorites.....
Your pictures are SO cute - your friend did a great job! Y'all are such a photogenic family!
Elijah is a hoot! Love the boots picture. That's definitely one to save to show future girlfriends - ha!
the picture of him in the boots is priceless. it cracks me up every time! i have shown everyone in the office at the church and they just love it! :)
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