Tuesday, August 14, 2007


One of the best things about summertime!


Unknown said...

I will be praying about your Thailand trip! I had a friend who did mission work in Thailand for a couple years. I actually think you have met her; her name is Darby. I know it can be a mixture of scary and exciting and that it takes a whole lot of preparation!

Also, Jackson will NOT eat watermelon. I really wanted to get a picture of him like your pictures of Elijah, but he just spits it out and makes a terrible expression. Elijah sure looks like a cutie eating watermelon though!

Lori said...

I have to keep my readers interested and comin' back for more!!! I didn't know Elijah liked watermelon!! (I hope you know I am kidding!)

Kandi said...

Hey Summer! I found our link on Lori's page and wanted to see your little man. What a cutie! He really loves his watermelon huh? You have a beautiful family!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, beautiful boy!
