Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentines Day!

My little Valentines:

At 30 weeks, this one weighs about 3 lbs...

and this one came home from school with about 3 lbs of candy!

After we picked the kids up from school today, Abbie and I took Ellie & Elijah to the park and flew a kite. It was a beautiful day and Elijah's first time to fly a kite!

Jason & Elijah have started a garden project over the past few weeks. It has been a major undertaking but I think will be worth it this spring when we have lots of fruits and vegetables to eat! Here are some pictures of the progress...

Progress is also being made on the room where the baby's crib will be. He'll actually be in our guest room, but we are changing things up and making it more cozy for a baby. We started painting this week and are hoping to finish that this weekend. I'll post pictures of the progress soon, and of the beautiful baby quilt my mom and her friend are making for his crib. It's hard to believe that he'll be here in less than 10 weeks!!!


Lori said...

The garden is lookin' good!! Who knew y'all had a green thumb!

Jennifer said...

Wow! This garden is amazing! My mom is actually going to start a vegetable garden soon - I'll have to pick your brain about it. I'm gonna help and neither of us know ANYthing about it! :) Adorable pictures.

Craig'O said...

I can't believe he will be here that soon!!! I'm looking forward to seeing all of you in a couple of weeks! Oh, by the way...Surprise!!! We have a blog! (steph)