Friday, April 18, 2008

The Waiting Game

Okay, I seriously thought this baby would be here by now. My prediction of the 17th came and went yesterday with no baby, so now I'm officially anxious and impatient! Elijah would have been born 2 weeks ago so I'm definitely not used to being this pregnant and playing the waiting game because it didn't go down like this before. Don't get me wrong, I'm so thankful that my BP and health has been so much better this time around, but now I'm starting to worry that if he doesn't come on his own before too much longer, I'll have to be induced and I REALLY don't want to be induced. Please pray with us that he will come on his own when he is ready before my doctor feels the need to intervene with modern medicine. My body did not react well to the induction drugs last time and I am really praying that we won't even have to go that route this time. If anyone has any theories or suggestions that they have heard or that you swear helped you go into labor, I'm all ears...
Hopefully the next post will be an announcement of this sweet little boy's birth!


Anonymous said...

jump up and down

Lori said...

umm, mine might be inappropriate to share via the world wide web!

Summer said...

ha ha lori! okay, maybe i should say does anyone have any suggestions BESIDES the obvious! :-)

Kandi said...

Get into a project that you don't want interupted....Kids having a knack of coming then :) Lol..Good Luck Summer..the waiting game is hard ...but worth it :) Keep us posted!!

Lauren said...

i think stephanie's method would work the best... you should try it, but make sure jason video tapes it so you can put it on your blog. i'd like to see it. :)

Jennifer said...

Actually, I do have a suggestion that came from my brother-in-law, who is a doctor.
Have you asked your doctor to scrape/loosen your membranes? It's what my doctor did the night before I was to be induced, to speed up my dilation and it TOTALLY worked. Before he did it, I was at 1cm. The next morning after he did it, I was at 3cm! It's pretty uncomfortable but not painful really, and I've heard from several sources now that it works. If I were you, I'd ask your doctor about it. It's supposed to release the natural chemicals that trigger labor (can't remember which chemicals off-hand).
So there's my suggestion. I know you're getting restless and I totally understand. The waiting game isn't fun. Just remember that your baby boy is getting healthier and stronger with every day he's inside! :)
Can't wait to hear the news!

karson said...

Put on those tennis shoes and go walking! The 2 days before Mallory came (2 weeks early) I was busy setting up her nursery and running around getting all of my last errands done. I'm pretty positive that all that running around is what made me go in to labor. Go for some long walks this week. Can't wait to hear the exciting news! :)

Anonymous said...

good call, lauren! i, too, would like to see that footage!!!