Death is all around us right now. In the past week, we have had four deaths hit close to our little family.
Today we buried my "aunt" Judy at age 66, my mom's only cousin that I grew up 3 doors down from. Her name was Judy Jane, and when I took Judah James to go see her last week before she died, she was convinced we had named him after her and told me that she would look down on him from heaven all of his life! Even though I didn't realize her middle name was Jane until a few weeks ago, I am glad that we could pay tribute to her through him and that it made her proud in her final days.
On Friday, Eric Clark will be buried at age 22. His life was way too short. What do you even say to this family whose lives have been consumed with drugs, gangs and violence. They never in a million years thought his life would be taken at the hands of his 15 year old brother.
Yesterday I learned of my dad's cousin in Tennessee who died of cancer and was only in his early 50's. I spent several weeks in Tennessee every summer when I was growing up and loved living life on the farm and playing with my many cousins there. He was the only Newman cousin that had boys, and so his two boys are the only ones to carry on my maiden name.
Today Jason learned that a very close friend of his family's was found dead in his bedroom this morning and he was only in his early 50's as well. The cause is not yet known, but this family has already had a tragic year...the death of an infant grandson, infidelity. He was the song leader at his parents' small church where Jason preaches once a month...needless to say, it is a tragedy.
I am trying not to let all of this get me down. If nothing else, it is a good reminder of how fragile life really is. None of us knows when our final day will be, so until then I think I'll spend more time in prayer, love my husband more and give my children even more hugs & kisses! That's what life is really all about anyways.