Some things that Judah is doing at this age:
*He can roll over from tummy to back
*He laughs out loud when tickled
*He grabs at EVERYTHING & puts EVERYTHING in his mouth
*He can halfway sit up when leaning over his legs
*He has a low, raspy voice and I love it!
*He follows Elijah everywhere with his eyes
*He pushes up almost into a crawling stance
*He loves to play in his exersaucer
*He is a wonderful student at school on Mondays & Thursdays - I'm so proud of him!
*He just learned to go to sleep by himself
*He likes me to read to him (just like big brother)
*He drools all the time and loves to bite things
*Drum roll please.............he can sleep 7 to 9 UNINTERRUPTED hours at night!!!! Woohoo!!!
*He is a wonderful blessing from God - We love you, Judah James!
And since most posts lately have been about Judah, let me post a picture of his muscular, super-human like brother. Sorry're special too. :-)

I love that first photo. Both your boys are such cuties.
LOVE the muscles!! :)
I can't believe Judah is already 5 months. It's scary how fast time flies.
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