Judah has never been a good sleeper. At almost 5 months old he has never slept through the night (never slept for more than 4-5 hours in fact), still eats at least twice in the middle of the night and has to be jostled almost to death in order to fall asleep.
This weekend I decided I'd had enough. This mama is tired and needs some sleep! I've never been a big of fan of letting them cry it out, but after trying numerous other things I decided that was my last option. He cries when I try to rock him or comfort him anyways - the bottom line is that he just plain doesn't like the falling asleep feeling, and has no idea how to self-soothe himself. Since Elijah was gone and there was no risk to waking him up, I decided to go for it. My mom generously offered to help me so I didn't go completely insane!
The first couple of times he cried for 35 minutes straight! It was torture. However, we are on the road to sleeping much better, and he barely cried at all when I put him down this evening. YAY! That is not the point of this post though. Judah got payback for me allowing him to cry for so long...while we were at church this morning.
Like I said, I was all by myself this weekend, so at church it was just Judah & I. He was great the whole time - loved the music, quietly fell asleep on my shoulder for 30 minutes during the sermon without putting up a fight (which he NEVER does!). All was going well my first time at church alone with him...until it was time for communion. You know, the quietest time during service. There I was taking my little cracker, when he decided he needed to go #2 VERY LOUDLY! Everyone around me heard him and turned to look...I was so embarrassed. But wait, it gets worse. I picked him up to shift him so that I could make sure all was well and drink my grape juice before going to change him, when I noticed that there was poo ALL OVER ME! Oh yes, all over my pants, all up his back and on his pants, practically running down my leg! I was mortified and froze. I didn't know what to do, but I knew I had to get out of there fast.
I quickly stuffed everything back in my diaper bag, grabbed his burp cloth to wipe up as much as I could off of me to keep it from getting on the floor & pew, wrapped a blanket around his lower half to keep that from getting everywhere, stood up and walked out with my head down. I THINK I pulled it off without causing too much of a scene, but WOW. I went to the bathroom, changed him, cleaned me up a bit more, wrapped up the poopy things and walked out to my car with Judah in his diaper.
He got me back, that's for sure. But that's okay, because I'm winning the sleep battle and that's all that matters. Here's to my friend SLEEP...I hope to see more of you than I've seen in the last 4+ months!
Yea Judah!!! You looked like a very well-rested mama this morning! There was a new twinkle in your eye!
Um, wow. That's amazing. You poor thing!
And I must say, kudos to you for letting him soothe himself. I know it's SOOO hard, but that's how Bennett learned too - hopefully my next one will be the same way (fingers crossed!) :)
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