My niece Katherine babysat Judah for the first time (I think they had fun :-)
Judah turned 4 months old - WOW! (and is still not sleeping through the night)
Elijah learned to make homemade play-doh with friends Ellie & Brant (and made a mess!)
Jason took Elijah ice skating (okay, maybe this was my idea and I got in big trouble from Jason for it....I think his legs are still killing him from that!) I'll spare you the videos...I think I'd get in trouble for that too.
Judah went for his first swim in Nana & Grangoat's pool (and loved it for about 5 minutes)

We all learned how to fly

And we perfected our family trick....oh yes people, we ARE that talented!

Random-ness (is that a word???):
2. If anyone knows how to get pictures to be side-by-side on the blog with a border around them, please let me know. My sister-in-law is working on a new header for our blog so it will look different around here pretty soon.
3. I start a new job on Monday as an assistant at Elijah's preschool - just Mondays and Thursdays from 9-2. I'll be helping none other than my BFF since the 5th grade...Lori. I am super excited and know that we're going to have a blast teaching together! We'll have a 4-year old class but Elijah will be in another class with my wonderful friend Jennifer, and Judah will be with a very sweet lady, Brandy, right down the hall where I can go and feed him anytime I need to. I'm a little nervous about leaving Judah so please say a quick prayer for us on Monday around 9am.
4. Last night, Jason and I went on our first date BY OURSELVES in over 4 months! Wow...that was a long time coming. Why has it been so long, you ask? Hmmmm.....what happened a little over 4 months ago? Oh yes, Judah James came along and turned our world upside down. Thanks for babysitting Kaki!
5. Very random, but I'm just curious....what did you all think of possible VP Sarah Palin's speech at the Republican convention the other night? I've read some heated discussions of this on others' blogs and want to know your opinion. I, for one, was not too impressed.
Your family is pretty talented. :) That's really neat that you're going to be helping Lori as a teacher's assistant.
When I want photos side-by-side, I do one of two things. I either use fd's Flickr Toys Mosiac Maker or I put the photos in a table.
For Mosiac Maker, your photos have to be in Flickr and the photos are a square size, not the normal rectangle size. (So it will crop some off the edges.) For a table, I just use the Edit HTML tab when creating the post and use HMTL tags to set up a table. You'll have to google something like "html tables" to get the HTML code.
Here's an example of a post with photos in a table: Photos in table. The photo on the right is cut off because I set the table width wider than the width of main text area in my blog. The table itself doesn't have borders. The borders around the photos are there because that's the setting for my blog.
Here's an example using fd's Flickr Toys (at the bottom of the post):Mosiac Maker example. You can do two photos side-by-side or many more photos arranged in a variety of ways.
I hope one of these solutions works for you. I can't wait to see your new layout.
WOW!! You guys have been BUSY!! I love all the cute pictures - don't know which ones to comment on because they're all precious!
I'm SO glad you and Lori are teaching this year, and I just love having sweet Elijah in my class. He's a doll :)
And good for you guys going on a date!
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