Wednesday, April 01, 2009

A New Season

Last night was Elijah's first baseball game of the season on the Rockies! Since he wanted to stay with Jonathan, he moved up to a 5-6 year old coach pitch team, so he is the youngest on the team since he's not quite 5. There are a couple of kids on the team that are still 6 but nearly 7 - I think you might can pick them (him) out??? :-)

All dressed for the game!

Focused on the batter, while playing in right field. I'll inform you that he was most certainly NOT watching the dandelions grow...rather, he was building a tunnel in the dirt! :-)

They have little catchers and's adorable. I can't wait until my in-laws come to a game with their fancy-schmancy camera and get way better pictures than my camera does!

Elijah didn't get a hit, but he sure did swing well...left-handed, I might add.

The only frustrating thing for me was that the game started at 7:30!!! Does that seem late to anyone else for 5 and 6 year olds??? It was 9:30 before we had him in bed, and Judah & I had to leave early because he was exhausted!
Watching the coach and umpires discuss the game.

Despite the fact that this might be a little bit of a frustrating year for him, he is really enjoying it so far and I think will learn a lot and improve by the end of the season. Come watch him play sometime if you can - he would love that!

1 comment:

Craig'O said...

Yeah, I see Carlos Lee there in the back row!