Judah took his first walking steps today (3-24-09)! He was playing with his toys, stood up and took 4 little steps in my direction and then sat down. I couldn't really get him to do more than 2 steps a couple more times, but I wanted to officially document these first steps. I can't believe he'll be walking soon...and 11 months old tomorrow!
11 months old 3-25-09
He wasn't being very cooperative this morning - this is blurry but is the theme of the morning!
Elijah took his first steps toward becoming an official kindergartener today. Jason and I registered him at his new school this evening, so he is officially enrolled and his first day will be on August 24, 2009. I think I need to start storing back boxes of tissues NOW!
This is the best I could get of him walking - about 2 steps - but I'm working on getting a better one soon!
yippee judah! such a big boy!
We knew it wouldn't be long! I can't believe Judah is so grown up. Can't wait to see video.
And we are so excited for Elijah (and sympathetic for Mom's tears:)
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