Friday, June 19, 2009

Today, I am Thankful For...

1. My mom, who met me in Waco to take Elijah to Camp of the Hills with her for two days. He comes back tonight and he is not happy....he LOVES camp and says he wants to stay there FOREVER!

2. Almost free trips to the zoo - thanks Lori!

3. My husband, who is working so hard to graduate in about 6 WEEKS!!! WAHOOOOO!!!

4. The cruise that Jason and I are going to take in October to celebrate his graduation - our first major trip alone since our honeymoon. We are so excited!!!

5. The alone time that I got to spend with Judah the past two days. He is just precious!

6. Kindergarten. Even though I'm an emotional wreck about it, I acknowledge that we are fortunate for Elijah to have such a wonderful school to attend. I know that a lot of children in the world walk miles and miles just to GET to go to school. Only 2 more months left!

7. Swimming pools and spray boys have had so much fun with water lately!

8. Our church, who put on the most wonderful VBS about Esther earlier this week. It was complete with a Broadway-style musical production and it was great!

9. Fun acitivites coming up this summer...the boys and I are spending the week at Camp in a couple of weeks, Jason is joining us down there for July 4th weekend, Stephanie is due with her sweet baby boy in 1 week, possible weekend mini-vacation with the boys in mid-August, my birthday, Jason's graduation, fun, fun!

10. Feeling God's call very strongly for our family right now. It is so nice when you feel certain that God is telling you to do is a result of being very close with Him right now, which I love. Lots of things brewing around in our heads...if they unfold in the future, we will share them with you.


Jennifer said...

I'm glad we got to sit with you guys during SS - it WAS great - they always do such a good job on it. We'll have to finally hit that spray park soon - I think Kristen D. was totally interested, too :)

Mom said...

I am thankful for you - my precious little girl that I am so proud turned into a beautiful and passionate woman of God! I love you.

Kandi said...

So sweet Summer!! You will get through the Kindergarten anxiety. You have raised a confident, smart, little man and it sounds like he's ready :)

Sydney said...

Thinking I may have seen you today at the zoo? (Monday) from a distance?

Cute cute boys you have!!