In just 2 1/2 weeks Jason will complete his college career. Unbelievable. I mean we can just taste it around here....the busyness of the last couple weeks of a semester, lots of assignments due, party planning in the air, exhaustion & dementia are setting in for Jason :-) and we are just generally giddy about it.
Here is a picture of Jason and Elijah the month that he started back to school - June 2006.
Elijah was a barely 2 year old, potty-training, pacifier-sucking, crib-sleeping, baby really. I remember very vividly when Jason started school, we talked about how when he graduated, Elijah would be starting kindergarten shortly after. That was inconceivable to us at the time. I mean, he was barely 2 years old, our baby, and it had hardly been any time at all since he had been born and given to us from God.
Well, in 4 weeks it's going to happen. Elijah starts kindergarten 4 weeks from today, on August 24th. I was crying about it just last night....AGAIN. To me it's just the end of such a big era....I will no longer have him to myself all day every day. I have to learn to trust someone else to take care of him for the majority of the week, and I am learning that it is REALLY hard for me to do that. You care for your children for so long, carefully thinking through everything that you do - will this hurt him/her, is this what's best for them, is it safe for them? And then one day when they are 5 years old, you hand them off to a stranger really....and walk away.
I would appreciate prayers leading up to and on that day for me, Elijah, Jason and Judah. While not as emotional as I am, Jason is having a hard time swallowing the idea that Elijah's even old enough to start school, and Judah will miss his brother. The GREAT news is that Elijah couldn't be more excited and I am so thankful for that.
Elijah, We are so so proud of you son. You are such a special boy and I can just see in your eyes that God is going to do mighty things through you and in you. I pray that as we send you off to start your school career, that you will remain excited & enthusiastic about it, that you will work hard, respect your teachers, be kind to your friends and just be a light for Jesus in this dark world. Temptations and peer pressure will be a natural part of your growing up, and I just pray that you will remember to tell Satan "No!" like we talked about and make the choices that God wants you to make. We love you and are always here for you. You are going to do great!
The end and the beginning - the end of Jason's college career and the beginning of a wonderful new chapter in our lives...God is really preparing us for some exciting things in the not so far away future. For Elijah, the end of an era where Mom makes all the decisions and the beginning of something exciting and independent.
Now, only 4 years until I need to start crying about THIS nut starting kindergarten. Oh dear, let's not go there. :-)
He was trying to show me his muscles and these pictures just cracked me up! He is crazy!
that's pretty amazing. elijah (and mommy) will do great as he starts school! i'll be thinking of you on the 24th, though!
I'll be praying. I can't imagine it for Bennett, either! I keep thinking it's so far away, but I know the day will be here before we know it. Sweet Elijah - he'll do great, and his teacher will be so blessed to have him! (I should know! :) )
Oh my! I was crying and laughing through the same blog post! Y'all are doing a wonderful job and that is evident in your two precious boys. We are so proud of all of you and so thankful for the blessings of your family. It obvious that God has great plans for you all!
Love ~ "Nana"
I am crying like Nana!! Choked me up!
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