My sweet husband arranged a night out on June 11th with some of my very dearest friends. I had so much fun and he was so sweet to plan something so special for me. We went to Splitsville in Arlington - a fancy bowling alley with a restaurant, bar and music. There were also outside bowling alleys and live music but we stayed inside. We had a blast! Misty and Chrissy, you guys were missed!
Jason bought me "30" glasses and a fancy tiara to wear!
Sweet Stephanie, my dear college roommate who drove all the way from Houston to celebrate with me. She is so special to me...hard to put into words.
Melissa is a dear friend that I served alongside with at Fortress and now they are in our small group from church.
Oh my goodness, Ashley is my oldest friend. Our parents were friends before we were even thought of, and then we were born just 5 months apart. They used to dress us alike and everything...I have known her for 3o years!! So thankful for her.
Pam is my "adoption friend" as I like to call her, and co-worker from the preschool. She was also Judah's teacher this past year. God brought her to me when I needed someone who had adopted before right at the time we started the process.
Abbie is a dear friend that I served alongside with at Fortress as well...we also went to A&M together and our sweet kiddos have grown up playing together since they were born. I love having her just a couple of miles away!
Lori and I have known each other since we were 10...we met in 5th grade at church when my family placed membership at Meadowbrook. She was my sidekick & partner in crime - we did everything together, and then we went to different colleges but our friendship has never suffered for that. I love that we are back in the same town again raising our kids together...she means the world to me.
Jennifer, some how I missed getting a picture with you...bummer!
Here we all are holding up our bowling balls and posing! Pam thinks I cheated my way to the top, but I did have the highest score! Don't worry, I'll take a rematch to prove it missy!
As if that wasn't enough, Jason's sweet family threw me a party on June 26th at their house. We had mexican food, margaritas, swimming and a pinata.
Here is the whole family - we are rarely all together.

Judah loved being driven around the yard by his big brother...

Hey, now we BOTH have mustaches!!!

I broke it pretty good and then Elijah finished it off.

I think Lauren was a little proud of her mustache idea :-)

My sweet sisters-in-law, Lauren and Nova. They are such a blessing.

Lauren, aka Ms. Creative, drew this on the etch-a-sketch. Is anyone else impressed?!?!

Just to top things off, the day before my birthday, Lauren and I got nose rings. I know, I never thought I would get a nose ring. Jason has been hounding me to get one for over a year and I kept putting him off telling him that maybe I would for my 30th birthday. Well, he didn't forget I had said that even though I didn't intend on really doing it.
Lauren teamed up with him and talked me into it, but at least she didn't make me do it all by myself. It HURT, but only for a minute or so and then it was just a little sore the first few days. I kinda like it and Jason is very pleased. :-)
I was also blessed to leave for Camp of the Hills on my birthday with my friend Pam for the week. My mom took me to eat on the river on my birthday! A post to come on that later.
What a wonderful 30th birthday...very memorable and I will NEVER forget it!
Happy Birthday!! Sounds like so much fun =) My big 3-0 is coming up on the 15th and I'm looking forward to it!
Wow, that's a lot of celebrating! I told myself earlier in the month to remember to wish you happy birthday, but of course I forgot by the time your birthday rolled around. Had I known that you started celebrating on the 11th, I wouldn't have waited! So, even though it's really late, happy birthday!
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