Tuesday, October 28, 2008


for the first time by Stacy K

6 Random Things About Myself:

1. I hate scary movies and haunted houses. I recall a memory from high school when our youth group was in a Six Flags haunted house (probably the dorkiest haunted houses out there). I took my best friend Lori's mom and shoved her into a goon so that it wouldn't get me! I haven't been in a haunted house since.

2. I can touch my tongue to my nose - it's like my one cool body trick! I was hoping to pass it on to one of my children, but so far it appears that Elijah can't do it. Bummer. Judah is my only hope.

3. Jason and I have talked about adoption since before we had our boys. Our plan, if everything works out and we decide we can afford another child, is to adopt a little girl in a few years.

4. I remember when I was little and I became aware of swallowing. For a while after that, I used to think there was something wrong with me and I was the only one that did that. Yes, I'm weird and that was REALLY random.

5. Jason has always teased me and said to confess my love for all things Alias and Jennifer Garner on my blog... so there, I did it! Julie, I know you understand. :-) We need to have another Alias party soon, by the way!

6. If I could have a super power, it would be to be able to teleport and take others with me by holding their hands. Get from one place to another instantly. Hello weekend vacations to Hawaii, Thailand, New Zealand, etc and goodbye to hotel costs - I could teleport back home to sleep.

I tag Lori, Jennifer C, Lynda, Alisha, Lauren & Stephanie


Alisha said...

Number 4 is so funny. I hate it when I become aware of normal bodily functions -- I'm thinking breathing or swallowing here, not those other bodily functions -- because then they seem all awkward and abnormal.

Julie said...


I used to make fun of Trekkies and stuff but you know I would totally dork it up with you if there was ever an Alias convention. Once it gets cold let's hole up in some pajama pants and veg in front of some good ole season 2. Eh?

Anonymous said...

You get your cool body trick from your dear old mom!