Elijah's last soccer game was this past Saturday and their awards ceremony on Sunday. He had a great season and really enjoyed playing!
Look at my boys' blue eyes...
Elijah with his awards...
We also went to Grace's first birthday party on Saturday. I love that mine and Lori's kids are growing up together and love being with each other.
What a cutie pie big girl!
Look at those curls! Might be time to cut those off again soon.
It was an ice cream party and Judah kind of made a HUGE mess with his, but had a great time!
Bible Verse: I have missed a couple here and there but am still trying to do my bible verse every 2 weeks. Here is the newest one: But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 1 Peter 2:9
Judah had his first ever preschool program this past Monday night. The theme was "Down on the Farm" and Judah's age group, the toddlers, were scarecrows. They were ADORABLE! This is the first year that the toddlers have been in our spring show and it was well worth the wait...they were so precious. My class, the 4 year olds, were cowboys/cowgirls and they did great too! Here are some pictures of Judah of course...
My poor baby was the only one in the whole show that fell off the risers...not just once but TWICE! :-) He was not happy about it after the second time...
Elijah had a great party this past Saturday at Putt Putt golf. He told me a long time ago that he wanted to do go-carts for his party, so we had to find a place with go-carts of course! :-) A few things made the day stressful at first (Judah woke up with fever, I forgot my coupon at home and the cake was done wrong), but the kids had a blast and that's all that mattered! We also thought it might rain but the weather cooperated and ended up gorgeous!
The birthday boy...the big 6 year old!
We doped Judah up on tylenol and he did great!
Playing limbo and party games:
Friends at the party: Ellie, Grace, Sam, Kristopher, Jonathan, Bryson, Craig & Clare
I don't even know what to say about this except it's ridiculous looking. I bought the Indiana Jones cake topper set and you order the cake through Putt Putt. I told them plain chocolate icing on top to look like mud and nothing else...this is the message that they received apparently. I have no idea except it was hideous looking and they didn't charge me for it. The kiddos didn't care as you'll see in the video. :-)
He got some really great presents from his friends & family - thanks everyone!
He was thrilled that he was big enough to drive one all by himself!
Grace, Ellie and Elijah
Hope you had a great birthday sweet boy - we love you!
to THIS??? Where has the time gone? On May 13, 2004 at 12:52 pm, you made me a Mommy, and from that moment on Mommy has been a big part of my identity. Who knew your whole life could be so drastically changed for the better in an instant? Immediately, you were our whole world. It is the most important job I've ever had and ever will have while on this earth. What a big responsibility to teach you to know and love God, and pray that one day you will be a mighty warrior of His, that you will know His voice and listen to His call. That you will consider others better than yourself and spend your time helping those in need...being a servant. That is what I want for your life, and I pray that your Daddy and I are doing a good enough job teaching you those things. Because sometimes I feel so inadequate. I already know that you have a big heart...you are compassionate, loving, helpful, obedient, funny and smart. You love your friends, and you love your baby brother even more. You are so sweet and helpful with him and he adores you. I love how excited you are about having a baby sister, and I love even more the compassionate heart you are developing for orphans. You told me the other day that you wished more people would adopt kids because they need a mommy and daddy to love them too. When you say things like that you make me more proud than if you were graduating valedictorian of your class. I can see the heart of God growing inside of you. You are our joy and treasure and we love you. Happy Birthday!
For your birthday, we took you to Uno's downtown for some pizza. You got to make your own.
Then we got ice cream at Marble Slab. Notice how Judah copies your every move. :-)
And you opened your presents from mom and dad.
An Indiana Jones t-shirt to wear to your birthday party...
and a new big boy scooter!
Then it was outside to try out your scooter.
Judah is very thankful that you passed down your "baby" one to him. :-)
Elijah is now an author! The kindergarten classes had a publishing party a couple of weeks ago to present their books and be recognized as authors! It was really cute and Elijah was very proud.
It is a book of poems and is titled "Just Believe in Yourself". His teacher told me that his title was her favorite of all of her class. Most of them were just titles like, "My Poems" or "A Book of Poems" or something like that. I thought that his was just precious and so is he.
He is so grown up! I can't believe he will be 6 years old on Thursday!
Last week we finally went to the zoo for the first time this year. I decided to get a zoo pass so that we can go anytime we want...I am super excited about it! Pam and Jace joined us for the day...the boys had a great time and we can't wait to go back again!
Mother's Day was pathetic this year....not Jason's fault. I got a stomach bug and threw up all night Saturday night, then slept all day on Sunday. It was NOT fun. However, the boys made me sweet cards and got me a gift. Elijah also hand colored me a spatula at church. When I opened it, he said "Yeah, I made it just for you so you can spank Judah with it!" Good thinking Elijah...way to look out for your brother. :-) I love my boys and am so blessed to be their mommy! Jason and I are also blessed to have great mothers as well.
Next posts coming up will be for Elijah's birthday! Have a great week!